Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Ten

The lyrics to While Your Lips Are Still Red played as the funeral resumed.
It was Cameron’s turn to say something about the late Meg.

“I’m not gonna make this long because I know Megan has had enough of my dry and long speeches.” She said, as some chuckled.

“Megan was special. So special that I didn’t think she would be gona before I was. She has done to much good to deserve this but it looks like God Almighty up there loves her more then we do. I never regreted meeting her. She was there when I had my first everything. Up to the period of now. My first speech in a funeral. She’s here with me now spiritually in my heart. I’m not gonna go into any suspicious thing here, just to say that I believe that if you remember how great she was, she would always be here with you. With us.” She heaved a sigh as I saw a tear roll down her cheeks.

“I guess that’s all there is to say to sum up who she was. But before I go, I want to request something. Megan loved the song The Path from HIM ever since I introduced it to her. It was one of the few songs that she actually liked from the band. She said, against the other songs, this one has the deepest meaning to her. So in memory of my best friend, I wanna request HIM to perform this song for her.”

Everyone clapped as she came down from the pedestal.
She was enveloped in a hug by Ville before sitting down in the front row of the church to listen to the sound of The Path being played

That night, Dee, myslef and Ville sat on the floor of the hotel room just talking.

“You seem quite happy tonight.” Ville commented on Cam’s mood.

She nodded her head.

“I just don’t see why we should grief so much when she is obviously in a better place rather then here. I’d pay to be there.” She said and laughed.

“Yeah, you’d pay with your life.” I replied.

Both of them nodded their heads in agreement.

“Hey Brian,” She said after a minute of silence.

“Aren’t you guys still recording? Aren’t you here for too long?”

I shook my head no, “We’ve layed out the tracks, and I’ve done as much for the music. We’re only doing the vocals now so it’s all up to Matt.”

“How bout you?” She asked, turning to Ville.

“We just finished our tour when I got a call from Tuomas saying that Meg was hospitilised and Kaida was having a hard time dealing with it. He also said that you were there so I thought of going. My flight reached the night that she died and I figured it was too late.” Ville said.

The three of us just stayed up the whole night, talking about things we used to do before this.
It was obvious that Ville was interested in Cam and part of me supported that.
But the other part…
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, that's the last sad thing that has followed the death.
The character Megan is actually based on my bestestest friend, Farzana. But no, she's not dead.

She has gone through so much but still she balances things much better then I have.
She's my inspiration and the person I fall back on when I have problems.
I love her a lot. =)
Chapter is dedicated to her.