Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Thirteen

The past few months had been hectic.
With the launch of the new album and a new single made every single day jam packed for us.

But every night, without fail, I would spent at least five minutes conversing with Cameron. I don’t know, maybe it was our daily ritual or something, but we knew that we had to do it every night. At least I did.
I found out a lot of things about her, some of which surprised me and some of which we shared a laugh at.
She was fascinating in my book. I want to get to know her better each and every day. I need to know her better.

Maybe spending too much time might have contributed to the fact that I shone some feelings for her. It’s been growing increasingly recently and I don’t know what to do about it.

I started getting this feelings about a week after Megan’s passing.
I was spending so much time with Cameron that maybe, indirectly, I was causing my heart to feel affectionate towards her.

But the question that I’ve been racking my brain to find out now is that if she shares the same feelings.
I’ve got quite a chance with her, I might say, but maybe not.
Besides myself, she has been spending quite a mentionable time with Ville as well.
And I know Ville is head over heels for her.
But he hasn’t shown any signs that he wants to make a move yet. Well, at least in front of me anyway.

The band knows the secret to this.
All started with Zacky walking in on me jacking off moaning her name out loud.
It wasn’t my fault, I thought no one was in the house.
Cameron was out with Val and Leana and Zacky was supposed to meet up with the Madden twins.
Then suddenly fatass shows up and doesn’t shut up about it.

Lesson learnt, never jack off if you’re house mates with Vengeance.

But, hopefully, my secret is safe with the band. I know those guys too well for them to give away my secret.

“Have you seen Cameron?” I asked Linde who was leaning against the wall enjoying his beer.

He shrugged, “Last I heard she helped Ville up stairs.”

I nodded and thanked him before going up the large stair case to the second floor.

I looked through every door but didn’t find any one in them until I came to a door at the longest end.

It was ajar and I heard voices from it.

I went forward and pushed it a little to have a clearer view of what was going on.

My heart crushed into millions as I saw Ville crashing his lips onto Cameron’s.
My Cameron.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the comments.
I love you guys, really.
more comments are appreciated.

Alright, going off, Singapore vs Lebanon match going on for World Cup Qualifiers.
Singapore will win ! =)