Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Fourteen

The next day went by fast, hanging out in the backyard witht the rest of the crew.
We only watched Bam and his stupid ass crew perform stupid stunts on each other.
And also skating stunts on the ramps, that’s basically all we did for the whole day.
And didn’t get bored.. Oh, the irony.

“Matt, can I borrow Val for a while?” I asked, as we finished dinner.

“Yeah, sure. Just don’t keep her for too long.” He said, unlocking his arms from his tight grip on Val.

“What’s up, chica?” She asked as we sat down on my bed.

“There’s something wrong with Syn. He hasn’t talked to me the whole morning and I don’t think he’s planning on talking to me for the rest of the day.” I explained.

“Maybe he’s PMS-ing or something..” Valary said, shrugging it off.

“Trust me, even when he is PMS-ing, he still talks to me. Even in not the best of tones. Now it’s like he’s shutting me out or something.”

Val smiled at me, “Do I sense something between you two?”

She knew me too well.

“There’s something going on, isn’t there? You haven’t been this worried about Syn since.. ever.” She stated.

I heaved a sigh, “I only wished something is going on between us.”

“You’re not together, though?”

I shook my head, “I dunnoe, I’ve been feeling kindda weird lately. I keep thinking about him. It’s like.. I don’t even think about what’s gonna happen tomorrow without him being in it. It’s impossible.”

“Then why don’t you make the first move?” Val asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it currently is.

Again, I sighed.

“Can you keep something a secret?” I asked.

She nodded and smiled, “You can always trust me, babe.”

“Ville kissed me last night.” I stated.

Val’s eyes went wide, “He did what?”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t anything serious though, he was drunk.” Here, Valary sighed.

“But nothing sparked, did it? I mean, your old feelings didn’t come back..?”

“That’s the thing that confuses me the most. I thought those feelings would come back, but it didn’t. I was thinking of Brian the whole time.” I confessed.

“Aww” Val cooed, putting her hand over her heart.

I looked at her weirdly.

“Okay, okay. I’ll try talking to Syn. If that doesn’t work, I’ll ask Matt to talk to him. Don’t worry too much.”

Just then, a knock was heard on the door.

“Come in!” I called.

Johnny poked his head in, “Kaida has an important announcement, she wants every one down in five minutes.”

With that, he lef t the dor ajar as me and Val got off the bed to go down stairs.

Val went over to Matt as I grabbed the nearest seat as everyone else seemed ready to hear the news.

“Guys, girls and.. fellow sexual orientated friends.” Kaida stated, being at the front of the room, she had a view of each and every one of our faces.
I knew she felt nervous, that was the reason why Tuomas was holding onto her hand tightly.

“Alright, actually, me and Tuomas have actually rehearsed this a couple of times but it doesn’t really come into play here. So I’m just gonna say this out.” She let out a breath.

“Guys, I’m pregnant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Life sucks.
You guys rock.
Thanks for the comments.
More would be good. =)