Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Seventeen

I was hanging out at the bar with the guys when I saw Cameron run out of the club as fast as her legs could take her.

I notified the guys before running out of the bar after her, Jimmy on my tail.

We ran a curb and saw her on a doorstep to an antique shop. Her face in her hands, sobbing out as loud as possible. She hasn’t cried since Megan died, something bad must’ve happened.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” I asked, crouching down in front of her, my hands on her knees.

“Th-that fucking ASSHOLE!” She cursed as more of her sobs came through.

“Who’re you talking about Cammy? I’ll beat his ass up, I swear.” Jimmy said, balling his fist.

I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he is.

“Babe, you gotta tell us who he is. Or she, or whatever. Calm down.” I cooed.

After a few minutes of harsh sobs, she finally regained her composure.

“I was talking to Ville after the set about the song. I turned him down because I think I’m in love with Brian. Then I walked up to the bar and saw Brian playing tonsil hockey with some fucking ass slut bimbo and now I’m here. I fucking hoped for too much from that guy.” She explained.

Another big case of misunderstanding again?
I looked at Jimmy and asked quietly what he wanted to do about it.
He shrugged and pointed back to the club.

Once again, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. And they say I was the stupid one.

I guided Cameron back to the hotel where we were staying while Jimmy went back to the club, hopefully bashing the guts out of Gates.

“Thanks Zacky, I owe you a girlfriend.” She said, smiling.

“You don’t owe me anything.” Okay, let’s rethink that, “Okay, you owe me a girlfriend. You got candidates?”

She laughed.

“So, you two. I thought you guys were okay with each other. What happened?” I asked.

“We were. Until just now. I don’t know what to think anymore, Zacky. One minute he’s flirting with me and the other, he’s fucking some lay about in a club.” She complained.

“He may be drunk.” I sugested.

“Men always give that excuse. I’m drunk so I did this, I’m drunk so I did that, I’m drunk so I fucked a cow in London. That’s fucking crap and lies, Zachary.” She stated, frustrated.

“Listen, I know for a matter that the rest of us will have a talk with our lead guitarist. And I’m sure Matt will give him an earful looking at how much he loves you. Don’t worry, we’ll set things straight with him.” I assured her.

She nodded her head and fell backwards into her pillow. Within a few minutes, she was sound asleep.
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I'm updating twice.
Another one after this. In a few seconds..