Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Eighteen

If you haven't read the previous chapter, I suggest you do. It's a double update.

I woke up with a heavy head and a sore throat. I tried to remember the happenings of last night, failing quite misserably.

“Look who’s up.” Someone’s voice echoed as I tried getting out of bed.

“Too loud.” I muttered, going into the toilet and spilling my guts out.

I went out of the washroom, drying my hair with a towel after a shower.
I found the other members to my band scattered around the room.

“Gates, we need to talk.” Matt said, well, ordered.

Valary, whom I just realised was in the room, sat on my bed, glaring at me.

What is up with everyone today?

I sat on the chair opposite from the other members of my band.

“Brian, what is up with you and that chick at the bar last night?” Zacky asked.

“What chick?” I asked, thoroughly confused with what was happening.

“The chick you were sucking face with while Cameron cried her eyes out over it.” Val snapped

I widened my eyes, “I didn’t suck face with anyone, I swear.”

“Oh, come on, Johnny saw you, didn’t you Johnny?”

“Up close in flesh. The chick was hot.” He answered.

Only then did the recollection of last night came clear to me.

I saw Cameron kiss Ville and I went over to find a chick and we ended up…
Wait, why would Cameron cry over me kissing a girl when she herself was snogging Ville Valo like it was no one’s bussiness?

“Come up with any explainations yet, Haner?” Val asked, her tone still venomous.

I nodded, “Yes, in fact I do. Did you know how I felt when I saw her lip locking with Ville last nigt?”

A chorus of questions ran through.

“I bet you didn’t know that, did you? So I don’t see why she wants to make such a big deal out of all this when she herself has been fooling around. I have every right to kiss whichever girl I want and non of you have control over it. It’s my life, guys. For once, let me lead it myself!”

With that, I stomped off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so that's done.
A few more chapters to go and this story is finished.
Thanks for the comments; Doctor.Vengeance & envy_music91
Appreciated, really. =)