Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter One

The kids were scattered all over the room. A lot scattered in the front but it seems like they were in their own different cliques.

“The chicks are hot.” Johnny commented, smirking.
That earned him a smack to the head by Matt.

“We’re here to be helped. Not hook up.” He warned.
Jimmy laughed.

“This seems more like rehab man. What’s the purpose of them,” points to the kids, “following us around, doing nothing, might I add, and getting paid?” Zacky asked.

Jimmy grunted, “The point is to not screw up every time we attempt to make a new album. Plus, it’ll be a change having to face someone else’s face instead of the four of you.”

I rolled my eyes.
There is no point to all this. We’ve just taken up what our manager said would be good for us. This is more of a publicity stunt then an enrichment for this kids. It’ll be a waste of their time, and a waste of half of their lives.

As the thoughts went through my head, a knock on the door was heard.
The tall chinese dude, whom we were told to be called Hai Long, answered the door.
Wearing a Superman t-shirt and a trucker cap, the girl came in, her arms hung by her side and was embraced in a hug by Hai Long.
She wore her hair down, under the trucker and had thick rimmed glasses that matched Mikey Way’s old ones.

“This is Cameron Lee Lewis, better known as Cameron, she’s one of our most senior mentors in this programe,” At this, she gave a small wave. “I’m sure some of you here know who she is. She’s gonna be taking care of Avenged Sevenfold from now on.”

“I can’t believe you grew your hair!” Margera’s voice echoed the room, which turned heads, including mine.

Huda smirked at Bam and nodded her head. She shared a handshake with the members of HIM and headed towards us, head up, confident.

“Name’s Cameron, as you recall, but I prefer Cam or Lee. And just to be sure, you’re Matt,” She said pointing to Shadows, “Christ,” Johnny, “Zacky V.” Zachary, “Reverend Tholomew Plauge, love your name.” she complimented Jimmy, “And Synyster Gates.” She ended, looking at me. I etched my head foreward in terms that I acknowledge.

“Cool. So, just to keep things clear, I’m a huge fan of yours but don’t be scared, I won’t go all teeny boper on any of you. Unless I have to.” That statement made us chuckle.

“And to my knowledge, you guys are gonna be working on your new album?”
Each of us nodded our heads.

“Please, for the love of love metal, tell me that you aren’t recording in Singapore!”

“We’re recording in Burbank in L.A. I can see that you’re not too fond of staying in Singapore..” Zacky quipped.

She shook her head, “It’s not that, it’s just that I haven’t been travelling anywhere lately and I’m beginning to get bored here. And the fact that I don’t have any money does not help things.” She explained.

“Well you better pack your bags then, with us, there’s a whole lot of travelling to do.” I said.

Yup, we just spreaded our wings to the Avenged Sevenfold family.
What I just said did not make sense.
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Here's the first chapter. =) Oh, and please, I really need someone to co-write with me. With school just starting, I don't know if I can continue this. I'm stcuk halfway through chapter two. Oh, and if you have ideas, feel free to message me.