Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Twenty One

All of us rushed down to the hospital as we heard the news about Brian.
Cameron had called Leana that informed us about Brian’s condition.
He wasn’t concious, if anyone was wondering and we were pretty shaken up when we saw him in the hospital room.
Apparently, he got mugged and maybe, he fought back and got stabbed.

Cameron had her face in his hand, praying that Brian would be okay.
The other girls were comforting her, telling her that everything would be alright.
Us guys, we were blaming ourselves because not one of us went after him.
If either one of us did, this wouldn’t have happened.
And if it did, we would be there to at least prevent it from happening.

“This is so fucking screwed up.” Cameron said as I grabbed a seat beside her.

“It’s like, everyone I know and love has to land themselves in the fucking hospital and die.” She muttered.

“Brian’s not gonna die, Cammy. He just got into a little accident, it won’t cause him his life. Doctors said that he’d come through, and I know Brian. He won’t give up just because he got stabbed. Avenged Sevenfold is not gonna loose a guitarist, Cameron.”

“Doctors always say that their patients would pull through. That’s what they said about Megan and she died. Hell, that’s what they said about my dad, and I fucking lost him too.” She sobbed out loud.

“God fucking hates me.” She said.

At this point of time, I really have nothing to say. Even if I did, she would come up with something negative to top what I’ll say and the outcome would be the same.
Now, we’re just gonna have to hope for the best and hope that Brian wouldn’t be so much as a dickhead to die.

“Guys, Brian’s up.” Zacky said, fast paced as he raced back to the ward.

Me and Cameron looked at each other before the both of us raced to see the comotion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short filler. Next part is gonna be the last one and then an epilouge.
I thought of doing a sequal.. but.. I really don't know yet.
And I have another story up. *hint* *hint*

Anyways, reffering to Doctor.Vengeance's comment; yeah "found beaten up in Helsinki" did sound sheepish. Lol.
But I had a bad day.
I know I should've searched the areas up but I was too damned preocupied with my project to do so, forgive me for my cheesyness. =)

Thanks for the comments, I love you loads!
Comments are appreciated, thank you very much.