Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Twenty Two

I rushed up to the ward as I heard the news came from Zacky.

Everyone had gathered around the bed to see a now concious and slightly confused Synyster Gates.

“What happened and why are there tubes stuck to my body?” He asked, with a groggy voice.

“And what happened to my voice?”

All of us smiled at the humour that was put into this.

“You got mugged, man, and hell, you got mugged worse then I did.” Johnny stated and laughed.

“Fuck off, Seward.” Brian muttered, addressing Johnny.

The room was silent for a moment, the air in between thick.

“Guys, I think Brian and Cameron have something to talk about. We’ll leave you two.” Matt said, and with that, the rest of the gang were out of the room.

I stood at the doorway, afraid to inch closer.
He looked away.

“You could at least look at me.” I said, coming closer to the bed.

I was presented with a glare in return.

“Look, I’m sorry.” I said, taking his hand in mine. He pulled away.

Silently, I said, “I know you saw that kiss between me and Ville.”

“So you admit it then?” He asked, his tone accusing.

“Would you fucking listen to me first?” I asked, my anger rising. Hey, I deserve to at least be acknowledge. He didn’t have to act like such a bastard.

He glared at me even more.

“Listen, that kiss with Ville, it meant nothing. I knew it and he knew it as well. I told him that I was in love with you. I treasured you and I wanted to be with you. And Ville, being the too poetically romantic person actually let me go without a fight. You gotta give him credit, Gates. That kiss after that, it was sort of a goodbye thing.” I explained.

Once again, he looked away.

“If you don’t believe me then that’s fine. I can’t do anything else, can I?” I started on my heel and began walking back to the door.

“Wait,” He stopped me.

“I’m sorry. I acted like a jerk, I know. I should’ve listened to both sides of the story. Cameron, you gotta understand, you mean so much to me right now, and you’ll mean as much to me for a very long time.” I smiled, slipping my hands in his.

“I was afraid I’d loose out to Ville. You and him, you’ve known each other for half your life. I can’t believe I begged down from a challenge, and what’s more, I begged down from a challenge for you. Ville, he’s all that. He’s romantic, he’s good looking, he’s an even bigger rockstar then I am. And when I saw the kiss, I thought that was it, my chances with you were off.” He took a breath.

“That’s why you saw me with the other girl. I thought, what the heck? She doesn’t care any more, does she? And I went for it.” I laughed.

“Cameron, I would do anything for you right now, just ask me. I love you Cameron and I never wanna loose you.” Breaths in, “I know this sounds rushed but will you do the honours of marrying me?” Brian asked.

I was shocked, to say the least. I didn’t actually dream of a man proposing to me in a hospital much less a man proposing on a hospital bed.
But this one’s romantic.

I nodded to his question, me at lost of words.

One thing’s for sure though, I do not regret saying yes to this man that I love.
Even if I think he should shove a starbucks up his ass sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww, lol.
Epilouge up next.
Thinking of doing a Next Generation thing with this. How bout it?
Eh, I'll think about it.

Thanks to the commenters and the subscribers.
I love you a fucking damn a lot. =)