Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Two

The band, which I have gotten to know for the past month, is quite quirky. Johnny, the youngest one, gets in more trouble then the rest. Well, except for Rev, but he’s reserved for being a party animal.

I’ve gotten to know them a lot better in person. Most of the time, I’ll only see how they are on TV and won’t really know what their insides are thinking. But through this, I get an inside look on their lives. Currently, I’m staying with Zacky and Brian, who’re complete opposites of one another in one second, and could be twins in another.
Compared to Brian, Zacky’s kindda quiet. Note that I said, compared to Brian. I thought Synyster G. was the quiet reserved mysterious dude for the band. He isn’t. He’s loud, more then I ever gave him credit for. Zacky’s kindda the cool one now that I see it. He seems emo if I mistook him.

As you can imagine, living with two guitarist can be a wreck. Much less living with two guitarist who’re rockstars. But no, they don’t throw parties each time they come home from the recording studio. They pretty much live like how I used to. Go to work in the morning, stay at work until god knows how long, and they may, or may not come back for the night.
Jimmy, Johnny and Matt lived separate lives. By separate, I meant they live in different places, not that the band is screwed up.

Matt lives in with his girlfriend, Val, who, might I add, has been dating since 6th Grade. For a rockstar, that’s a pretty long time.
And from what I’ve learnt from Matt is that most tough guys can be softy’s on the inside. To be honest, Matt scared me when I first saw him. Of course I’ve seen his face on the screens. Hell, his face was plastered on my living room wall, a shrine for Avenged Sevenfold.
Kidding. But seriously talking, he did. He intimidated me much like how my uncle does. And my uncle’s pretty intimidating. But then with all the mushy crap that I’ve seen him do, I see him to be more of a softie.

Jimmy’s the Jolly Green Giant. But you just have to cancel the green bit and you have Johnny. He’s lovable, really. But sometimes, I really can’t understand what he’s saying. But anyways, I think people give him way too little credit. He’s a bloody genious. He’s a genious drummer, genious lyricist, bloody genious. Nuff said.

“What’re you doing?” Someone asked, smacking my head in the process.

“Doofus.” I muttered, glaring at Jimmy’s back.
I take the genious comments all back.

“Really, man, you need to stop daydreaming.” He said, coming back with beer in his hands.
I glared at him.

“Where’re the others?” I asked, as he settled beside me on the couch.

“Lemme see.. Matt’s back home. That’s for sure.” Here, he grins. “Johnny’s picking up a girl somewhere in town. Zacky’s getting wasted and Brian-“
He was cut short by Brian entering the house.

“What’re you doing here?” Brian asked, strolling towards us.

“You mean other then getting wasted?” I cut in.
Brian rolled his eyes walked up the stairs.

“Jimmy, really, how did you get in here?”

There’s to show I’m slow.
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This is a pretty crappy one. I'm having a humungo writer's block and with all the problems right now, I really don't think I'll be over it soon. Thanks for the comments. ily =))