Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Three

“Tell me again, why do I have to be here?” I asked, following Zacky and Syn into the recording studio.

Matt and Johnny were also present.

“Reason is that we want to introduce you in the DVD.” Zacky said, “Avenged Sevenfold is not complete without you.” He smiled.

“You’ll get used to it.” Matt said, standing up and trapping me in a headlock.

“Get off.” I muttered.

A few minutes later, a camera was shoved up my nose.

“…And that was how we met.” Zacky said to the camera, ending his story.

“Tell me what you think of the guys.” Johnny asked from behind the camera.

“I think the guys are awesome.”

Brian comes up and shuts the camera off. “Be more enthusiastic.”

Did I ever tell you that me and Haner don’t get along so great?
Well now I have.

The camera came back on and the question was given again.
“I think that the guys are fantastic! I really didn’t know they had lives other then partying and fucking before this.” I replied.

“What do you think of the new album?”

“What the fuck, did you guys print out a list of questions to ask me beforehand?”

They nodded simultaniously.
I rolled my eyes.

“I think the new album is fantastic and you should deffinitely buy it.” I smiled.

“They already bought it, dumbass.” Brian retorted.

I shaped and ‘o’ with my mouth and appologised.

“Well, then I think the album’s fantastic and if you opened this before you listened to the album, I demand you to go listen to it now.” I ordered, smiling in the end.

“That’s all, thank you.” Matt said, turning off the camera.

“Can I go now?” I asked.

“No.” Jimmy said monotonously.

Whining, I got a long, “Whyyyyyyyyy?”

Brian glared, “Because.”

“…Is not a reason.” I retorted.

“Do we have to have a reason to keep you here? Do you not love us anymore?” Zacky asked, putting his palms on his heart, mocking sadness.

I laughed, “That’s the corniest thing I have heard come out of your mouth, Zacky.”

He shrugged, “I try.”

“Since you won’t tell me why I still have to be here, I’m gonna ask what song you’re doing right now.”

“We’re reviewing Scream. Need someone to scream in there for us.” Johnny smirked, looking at me.

One by one, their heads turn and faced me, smirking.

I smiled awkwardly back, “You only smirk like that when you’re either a) Plan on going to a strip club, or, b) Planning on getting me into a strip club.”

Their smirks grew wider, if humanly possible, they turned and nodded their heads to one another.

“I request that you don’t act like mobs in front of me. I’m getting really scared, guys.” I say, letting out an awkward chuckle.

“How would you like to scream for us?” Matt asked, advancing towards me.

“If you’re planning on fucking me, all of you can dunk your heads in the river Nile, now.”

“We meant scream for us in the Scream track? Jesus, woman, how slow can you get?” Brian insulted.

“Oh, go shove a starbucks up your ass.” I scowled.

Making my decision, I answered them with a sympathetic “No.”

Okay, fine, maybe there was no sympathy in there, just a plain straight, I-don’t-care-what-you-say kindda no.

“I thought she said no?” Johnny asked from the other side of the glass.

“I said no to the mother fucking bitches and this is what I get!” I screamed into the mike.

“That’s it girl, more anger.” Matt encourage.

“Once I’m out of here Matthew Charles Sanders, I am gonna kick your ass and burn it. Slowly.” I seethed.

“Just scream already.” Brian said.

I rolled my eyes and screamed.
And hell did I scream.

Coming out of the room, claps were heard.

“All I did was scream and this is what I get? This is awesome.” I nodded my head in approval.
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Third Chapter up. Suddenly I feel great. No idea why... =))