Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Five

I ran out of the taxi frantically and made my way to the reception desk with Brian hot on my tail.

“Can I know where Megan Cassandra Lee is?” I asked, my tone rushed.

The nurse gave me the information and once again, I was frantically running all over the hospital ground.

“Can you chill out?” Brian’s voice called out from a distance.

I looked behind me to see him slightly jogging to catch up to my speed. I decided to ignore him and continued my search for the room.
Brian called out my name for a couple of times before I lost patience.

“Don’t you freaking dare ask me to fucking calm down, Haner,” I seethed. “My friend is in one of the Intesive Care Unit rooms fighting for her god forsaken life and you’re here asking me to calm the fuck down. Go to hell.”
With that, I stormed away from him.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the ward where my best friend lay.
She looked so innocent yet so hurt.
Those black rings around her eyes, the marks left by the accident.
I felt like crying when I saw her.

She had been in a coma for three weeks and I just found out about it two nights ago.
The story was that Megan got into a freak accident while on her way back from soccer practice. She was in the same coach as a couple of her team members when it collided with a container truck. Three out of 5 of her friends got away with minor cuts but Megan got her ribs broken and the doctors said that there was something terminally wrong with her right brain. As for the other one of her friend, she died on the scene.

People may ask me to cheer up since it wasn’t my best friend who was dead.
But think about it, would you rather see your loved one suffering on her deathbed or would you rather she go in peace without the suffering?

I felt someone rub my shoulders to comfort me as I held onto Megan’s hand.
It felt so cold. I really didn’t imagine that this would be how I’d see her after three months of not meeting each other.

She doesn’t fucking deserve this. She has suffered too much in this life to suffer even more. Her parents are on the verge of a separation.
She doesn’t get the fucking attention she deserves for over ten years from them.
Her sister gets on her nerves every time and she’s the one who’ll carry the blame.
The one she calls best friend will call her up every fortnight to say that she doesn’t deserve to be the former’s best friend.
Why couldn’t someone just have stood by her when she was alive and well?

I looked around the room to see familiar faces.
Her mum was sobbing in one corner while her dad stood still in another.
Her sister was comforting her mum while she too had tears in her eyes.
One of my best friends, Kaida who had informed me about Megan earlier was there too, with her face in her hands.

Kaida also had a job like mine, taking care of rockstars.
She was currently taking care of Nightwish, now having a steady relationship with Tuomas Holopainen.
Tuomas was hugging her from behind, calming her and asking her to cease from crying.

After half an hour, I excused myself to get a move on.
Getting out of the hospital building, I sighed.
Great, now to find a hotel.

“No fret, called a cab, got a hotel booked. All we need to do now is to wait.” Syn said as if reading my mind.

Without realizing it, I etched a smile at the corner of my lips.

For the rest of the journey, I fell asleep.
But before that, I thought to myself, ‘Why was he being so nice to me?’
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, before people start attacking me, I know, the ICU can only contain two visitors at one time. Well, at least in Singapore anyway. But heck care.

Okay, so, this chapter is produced via the help of Ashley Nicole aka Death's Angel.
I owe her a lot a lot for coming up with ideas for me. Lots of thanks to you darls.
I'm working on Chappy six now.
Comments will be appreciated. =)