Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Six

I collected the key to the room we were supposed to be in and ushered her to the room.
She had been quiet through the drive here because she was sleeping on the most part.

What I saw in that hospital room just now really broke my heart.
I hadn’t seen Cameron in such a pityful state before. She was so precious, so fragile at that moment. Yet she seemed to have the strongest vibe on her in the room.

I guess Megan’s parents knew that Cam was the standing stone for Megan.
I’ve heard the story of their daughter through a close friend.
I deffinitely think that she doesn’t deserve what she has gotten.
Heck, I think I deserved to be laying in that bed rather then she did.
I’d been such a dick towards her. I didn’t realise she was so compasionate towards the littlest of things.

Now, that’s not to say I don’t treasure my friends, because I do. Greatly.
But to have her fly in on such short notice after finding out her best friend was in a coma.
But I would’ve done the same thing if any of the guys, or any of my close friends for that matter, got into the same state.

I laid my head back on the head board as I looked across the room at the sleeping figure.
I sighed. I hadn’t seen her so peaceful. Not even when I live in the same house as her.

I stared at the ceiling in boredom before finally giving in to slumber.

I woke up the next morning with a sore neck and a dry throat.
I sat up on the bed and looked at the brightness that illuminated the room.
Dee was sitting across from me enjoying her breakfast in bed and watching Disney Channel at the same time.
She smiled once she realized I was awake.

“Great, you’re awake. Ordered for you breakfast. Bacon, eggs and toast, as you have it every morning.” She said, cheerily.

I scracthed the back of my neck in awkwardness.
I’m not used to having so much happiness in the morning.
And I’m not used to being this civil in the morning either.

“Thanks.” I said while poking the bacon before gaudging down the contents of breakfast.

Cam used the washroom for around an hour so I could enjoy my breakfast in peace. While watching Disney Channel, of course.

“Hey, Bri, I’m gonna go out and walk around. You wanna accompany me?” She asked, the spark of hope in her eyes.

I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head and getting up to follow her out of the room.
But not before I took a shower, according to her.

We were out of the room in half an hour.

“Where are you planning on going, actually?” I asked.

She shrugged.

“Just walk around, look at what has changed in the course of a few months. What’d you wanna do?” She asked.

Go to a themepark.

“Go to a themepark.” I say, voicing out my thoughts.

She laughed but nodded at the same time.
Guess there is where we would be heading.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a filler, next chapter is gonna have a bit more drama.
Thanks for the comment Death's Angel. Appreciated.

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