Rockstars, They're Not As Bad As They Sound

Chapter Seven

I heaved a sigh of relief as we exited the themepark.
I must admit that today was enjoyable.
Even if it was with the least expected person.
Today made me forget about everything that was going on.
It made me forget about what I was here for.
It made me think of how fun life could be if you treasure it.
How can a themepark actually do that to you, I’m still questioning myself.

“I haven’t said this to you lately, or ever for that matter, but thanks. I had a lot of fun today.” I said as I laid down on the comfortable bed.

“There’s no need to thank me. You’ve worked so hard over the past month, you deserve a break. Especially when you have a dick like me to take care of.” Brian replied from the other bed.

“You’re not a dick.” I reasoned, to make him feel better.

He snorted.

I rolled my eyes, “Okay, fine, you are a dick, but I was bitch.”

“True.” He replied.

I threw a pillow at him for that answer.
Yes, girls don’t always mean what they say, so sue us.

“Hey!” He mocked offence followed by a chuckle.

“Wanna start over?” I asked, breaking the silence that was made five minutes ago.

Brian grunted, “Eiigh, what the heck?”

Both of us setteled ourselves across from each other on the floor and began our introductions.

“Dee, there’s something going on with Meg.”Kaida’s voice was rushed a nervous.

“Okay, relax, what happened?” I asked.

“I dunnoe. They said she had an attack or something. A terminal stroke. I’m already at the hospital with Tuomas.”She informed.

“All right, I’m on my way. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” With that, I clicked my phone shut and wrote a note on a post-it to inform the sleeping Brian of my whereabouts.

I pasted the note on his forehead before walking out of the hotel room.

I slid down the hospital wall, tears brimming my eyes.
I got here ten minutes late. We lost her. Guessed God loved her more.

Everyone was either sobbing or crying their eyes out.
Her parents, for the first time I’ve seen, were holding each other in a tight embrace, comforting the other.

Her sister had been so awe struck she just sat down with no emotions running through her features.

Kaida was distraught. Tuomas was calming her down, holding her and stroking her hair gently.

I just had my arms wrapped around myself, crying into my knees.

Suddenly, I felt someone embracing me from the side.

I was looking into emerald green eyes which I recognised instantly.
Ville Valo was beside me, sharing the grief all of us felt.
♠ ♠ ♠
This got me emotionally drenched for reasons I will explain later.
Thanks for the comments from the three GREAT people !

I really need to know how I did in this chapter.
Was it too cheesy or to boring?
I love it, personally. =)