Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


After Eric led the girl in, he stopped at his door and said, “Here’s my room. Or, like, my Dark Domain of Pain.”

The girl looked thrilled. Only an Emo kid would have a total orgasm over a room like that.

One of the majordomos suddenly manifested near the half-psychotic prince. Eric screamed like a little girl and yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK, MANLEY!? YOU KNOW ABOUT MY PHOBIA OF MAJORDOMOS!”

Anorexia covered her mouth with her hand.

Manley sighed and blinked back a headache. Fuck, he wasn’t paid enough to do this job. Actually, neither of the maids or majordomos were paid enough anyways. “Your Highness, your parents are expecting you for dinner in an hour.” He gave the girl with the MCR underwear a weird look. “And I’m sure your friend will be needing something to wear as well?”

Almost immediately, Anorexia was whisked away by the stereotypical maid named Maria to get dressed for fucking dinner. Dinner with the King and Queen wasn’t a grand experience at all.

Tears poured down Eric’s face as he released another tirade of emo quotes that he found on Google. Manley considered taking the gun at his waist and shooting himself square in the temple. This was too much to take.

“Look, sir,” Manley said, trying not to drop dead right there. “You really must get ready for dinner.”

Translation: Get your fucking ass in there and act normal. Quit being such a pussy, sheesh!

But it seemed like Eric heard Manley’s thoughts and was a total ass and slammed the door in the majordomo’s face. He proceeded to poke some more holes in his face and slice at his arms some more. He wanted to impress Anorexia with his hardcore cuts and facial piercings because he was hella cool like that.

And so he donned his MCR Welcome to the Black Parade style uniform and stumbled into the dining room to meet his parents. When he entered, he yelled, “THERE’S A GIRL IN THE CASTLE! SHE’S A FRIEND AND SHE’S REALLY NICE AND PLEASE DON’T FUCKING EMBARRASS ME LIKE YOU DID WHEN AX7 WAS HERE!” It sounded like a Myspace “About Me”. He tried to keep his tears away when he mentioned AX7.

The Queen’s hand went directly to her mouth. Her son…having a girl…over?

“Well, then, Bess, I see our son has taken care of business on his own,” The King said proudly. It’s about time, you ingrate, he thought. “What’s her name, Eric?”

Eric smiled, but the smile was like that of a three year old getting candy. “Anorexia!” He grinned.

The Queen’s hand went – yet again – to her mouth for a moment. “She’s named after an eating disorder?”

Like, no shit, Sherlock.

Something snapped within Eric’s pea-brain. “YEAH, MOM, YOU SHOULD GET ONE!” he screamed.

“ERIC!” The King, once again, reprimanded. “Is this how you’re going to act with a guest in the castle?”


Constantine, despite the major headache that was building between his eyes, sighed. “Eric, are you sure about this? Just because a girl saved you from yet another suicide attempt doesn’t mean she’s your…soul mate.”

“I know it’s her, Dad,” Eric muttered, breathing heavily.

Constantine didn’t want to deal with this crying bullshit. He said nothing. Just then, the doors to the dining room opened.

“C’mon, beeyotch, just get in there,” the impatient, bitchy maid said as she shoved Anorexia inside and slammed the door shut.

Eric was slack jaw, just like he was when he saw Mikey Way’s dick on that one MCR porn site he was trolling. But, but, but this time it was because of a girl!

Anorexia was dressed just like every emo/goth guy’s wet dream. She wore a black, floor length gown with a gaudy necklace and lace gloves. Her eyes were lined to the brim in the blackest kohl. And Eric just continued staring at her like a fucking retard.

Ha! This gives Alexander’s Queen a run for her money!

Uhm. No. Not even. Aherm.

The King swallowed as much whiskey as he possibly could when the girl wafted in. “W-Well, Eric, she’s…a beauty….”

“Yes,” Bess coughed. “Indeed.” She stood up and said, “Welcome to Belfry, A-Anorexia. Please, sit.”

Anorexia smiled and walked over to sit next to her very own gothic prince. Eric just couldn’t stop staring at her. It was like a dream come true; well, sort of like that one slash-y style dream that he had with Gerard and Mikey. It was so fucking hawt--

“So, Anorexia,” The King said awkwardly. “Where are you from?”

Anorexia cocked her head to the side and made a fishy face.

This was going to be a loooong dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
A long dinner, indeed!