Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


Eric showed Ariel the inside of his room before a man appeared at the door. Eric started screaming profanities out the ying yang and Ariel just covered her mouth, trying not to laugh at the man who looked just about ready to shoot himself.

“Your Highness, your parents are expecting you for dinner in an hour,” The man said. He then turned to Ariel, looking her up and down.

“And I’m sure your friend will be needing something to wear as well?” he asked. As soon as he had said that, a stereotypical looking maid came and dragged her off into some room. It was big, just like the rest of the castle. But it wasn’t dark like Eric’s Dark Domain of Pain. She hated it; her eyes filled with tears.

“Get over it,” the maid said, throwing a black dress at Ariel. Ariel glared at the lady and went into the huge attached bathroom to put it on. Two seconds later the lady banged on the door.

“Make sure the last girl Eric brought home didn’t leave anything in there,” the maid yelled.

What crawled up her butt and died? She just doesn’t understand me. I’m too unique. Ariel thought to herself. She finished throwing the dress over her clothes and looked through the drawers, finding her favourite eyeliner.

Because they totally keep it stocked there.

She lined her eyes perfectly so they looked blacker than a raccoon’s. She made sure her hair looked perfect; her bangs were covering her eyes and it was teased at the top so her head looked three times its normal size. The maid looked at her and rolled her eyes, grabbing her by the arms and puling her to the dining hall.

“C’mon, beeyotch, just get in there,” the maid shoved Ariel through the door. The maid muttered something about kids these days and slammed the door, leaving Ariel to walk over to the table alone. The king and queen started talking to her, welcoming her and all the other crap.

The King choked down something that looked a lot like whiskey and said something to Eric. The Queen immediately started talking to Ariel in a shaky voice, telling her to sit down.

“So, Anorexia, where are you from?” the King asked, sounding very awkward.

Ariel attempted to speak, but she couldn’t. She cocked her head to the side and made a fishy face, trying to tell them she was from the sea.

“Uh,” was all the Queen said.

“SHE DOESN’T TALK, BESS. GET OVER IT,” Eric screamed, scooting closer to Ariel. The King just shook his head, pressing his palm to his forehead. Now he has to deal with TWO emo kids in his kingdom? Now might be a good time to stop putting off that suicide.

The food was brought and they ate quietly. All of them were surprised to see Ariel was eating, with her hands no less. She didn’t really know what to do with the utensils that were placed in front of her, since they ate with their hands under the sea.

The King and Queen stared with wide eyes and Eric stared in awe at the weirdness the girl was portraying. She looked up and smiled, looking perfect even though she was eating like a pig.

Eric pushed away from the table and grabbed Ariel’s arm.

“Come one, love. I’ll take you to see the kingdom,” he said, pulling her behind me. The King and Queen yelled something along the lines of “have a good time” but neither of them was paying attention. Eric brought Ariel back to his Dark Domain of Pain so he could get into something more comfortable. Tight skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. Ariel sat there, watching him get dressed.

Creeper much?

After Eric was finished, he grabbed Ariel again and ran outside to his expensive car which he totally deserved. His parents bought him anything when they thought he was going to kill himself. They didn’t need his emo face on the news anymore than it already was.

“So, Anorexia, where do you want to go first?” Eric, asked, revving his car to show Ariel how “man” he is.

Ariel shrugged, looking out the window in awe.

Silence. She so gets me Eric thought as he drove off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh, kinda suckish.
Tell me what you think, yeah?