Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


Through his hysteria, Eric saw Anorexia get teary and bitchy and moody by all the random critters singing a song from a movie that they all knew, but didn’t exactly care about. Now she was sobbing.

Uhm, why…?

“JUST KISS HER ALREADY!” another long snort came after the voice, followed by a long, “Ahhhhh. That was a good fucking hit.” Then there was a loud squawk, like there was a high seagull floating around on his cocaine cloud.

Oh, how ironic…

Eric ignored the crazy voice – or whatever the hell it was – that was speaking to him in snorts and groans and ‘ahhhh’s’. He was used to the crazy voices. Some told him he was beautiful, some told him that he was an ugly, ugly fuck who needed to die, die, die. Most the time, the voices were just him talking to himself.

Only crazies talk to themselves, sweetie…

“FINE. JUST SHUT UP!” Eric yelled, making his way to the other side of the boat. It tipped a few times, but since he was so goddamn skinny, he didn’t lose his balance. He grabbed Anorexia’s hands off her emo, tearstained, misunderstood face and puckered up like an idiot taking his next Myspace smexy default picture with duck lips.

He was about a centimeter away when suddenly, - but really, don’t we all know how this goes? I mean, really… – the boat capsized, sending the emo couple screaming into the dark water.

Do mutes even scream…?

Eric’s girlish scream, however, broke the sound frequency. When he was a kid, someone had told him that water actually made everyone melt. Not that he actually did, but his brain was stuck on the 10 YEAR OLD notch; he was still terrified of water and thought it was actually melting. Hence the scream.

“MY MAKEUP!” He was either screaming or crying, we don’t know. He was standing up in the hip deep water, Anorexia in the same position, only she was quiet, shivering, her tiny arms wrapped around herself. Her hair was soaked; the stereotypical emo hair do that made her head look three times bigger than its real size was now plastered against her hair. Her makeup ran, just like Eric.

He stared at her once he stopped screaming. He never looked at a girl the way he did when he saw Mikey Way’s dick on that one site… in completely and utter awe. “Your makeup is pretty.”

She smiled, mouthing, thank you, but he took it as a fuck you and burst into tears at his first emo girlfriend completely breaking in heart in two words.

Get a pair, man. Seriously.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about this chapter xD
It's horrid, I know.
We had to end this here; there's more emo fun coming up ;D <3