Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


As the boat tipped, Ariel and Eric were dumped into the pond. A high pitched noise came from Eric; it resembled that of a dog whistle. Except that every human within 10 miles had to hear it.

“MY MAKEUP!” he screamed, or cried. It was hard to tell. His tears, or droll from screaming, hit the water and mixed in. He looked over at Ariel, who was standing the same way as him, but she was shivering and had her arms wrapped around her overly skinny body. She probably looked like a mess and the way Eric was looking at her didn’t help.

He was staring with his mouth open, looking like a fish gasping for air while on land. His make-up was running all down his face and his hair was stuck all over his forehead.

“Your make-up looks pretty,” he said in a I’ll-try-to-be-cute voice.

Thank you Ariel mouthed. She tried to smile at Eric, but he just burst into another round of hysterics. Was it something she said?

You can’t talk, kiddo.

From beneath the sea, Ursula was watching the emo couple. Flotsam and Jetsam were on either side of her, their eyes glowing creepily like usual.

“She needs to die,” Ursula suddenly said.

“Like, wasn’t that totally the plan all along?” one of the eels asked.

“Shut up. Look how skinny she is! Only I’m allowed to look like that! SHE CAN’T BE SKINNIER THAN ME!” Ursula fumed. She worked so hard to look so skinny. All the purging and starvation. Did that stupid emo girl have to go through that? No!

“Like, oh em gee. I totally just noticed how skinny she is. How does she maintain a weight like that? I’m totally getting some tips,” one of the eels, Flotsam, said, staring in the ball.

“GO AWAY. I’m not in the mood to listen to you,” Ursula shooed them away with her hand. She walk, or swam, or whatever it is she does, over to the mirror and looked at herself. She looked fat compared to Ariel.

“I’m so going to get her for this,” she said, glancing at the glad jar that Ariel’s voice was in.

Dude, what does a voice look like?

Eric had finished his round of hysterics and decided to help Ariel, even though she broke his heart, back to the castle. Ariel had made her way to her room and changed into something suitable for bed. A band tee and tight, black sweat pants. Eric didn’t seem to want to talk to her, so she just helped herself into her bed and tried to fall asleep.

What seemed like minutes later, Ariel was woken up by a voice. It sounded a lot like someone singing. She got up and walked over to the tall window that faced the ocean and looked out. There was a girl standing on the shore. She had bleach blonde hair and extensions that went down to the middle of her back. Her make-up was dark and her shirt was tight. Her legs looked super long in her mini skirt and high heels.

What a prep

She was singing in a voice that sounded too much like Ariel’s. She tried as hard as she could to hear and gasped when she finally could.

One final fight for this tonight. OHHHHH. With knives and pens, we name our price. Along with a few growls at the end.

She took my voice. What a bitch. Ariel thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not as long as I thought.
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