Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


Ariel woke up the next morning, ready to kill something. Or someone. Preferably that thing she heard last night. The one with her voice. It was more creepy than annoying at first, but the annoyance was definitely there now. She went into the bathroom to get ready, putting on her back clothes and plastering her face with make-up. She decided that she would only make her head two times the size today and proceeded to tease it into the perfect style. She nodded in the mirror, which nodded back, and she walked out of her room.

Maids and butlers were bustling around everywhere, setting up cheesy looking pink and green party decorations.

Ew, what’s with the disgusting colors?

She walked into random people, pushing past them while tears formed in her eyes. Why were they putting up the awful decorations? Why wasn’t anyone telling her anything? She walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat, which she would just pretend to eat because eating was totally out of style, when she saw them.

That…thing that shouldn’t even call herself a girl she was so fake was sitting on Eric’s lap, giggling obnoxiously loud at the thing that no one said.

“Oh em geeee, Eric you are too funnayyy!” Ariel heard her say, in Ariel’s voice nonetheless.

That must be awkward

Ariel turned and left the room, suddenly losing her non-existent appetite and started going back to her room. She grabbed a piece of paper and a Sharpie and wrote a message to one of the maids, throwing it at her head to get her to notice.

The maid looked up and rolled her eyes, yelling that they were decorating for the ball that would take place for Eric and Vanessa. Ariel’s mouth dropped open and she started mouthing words, which looked almost like song lyrics, before bursting out crying and running to her room.

She ripped everything out of her closet looking for the perfect thing to wear. A black dress stood out to her and she picked it up, looking it up and down and then rushed to put it on. She teased her hair even more, making her head five times it’s normal size, added a few more extensions in to make it look longer and lined her eyes to make her look like she belonged to the raccoon family.

She took a step back and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress she had decided on had black lace on the top with a grey color underneath and black material on the bottom that went down to just above her knee. There was a thick ribbon with a big bow that was slightly off center. She put on some fishnet tights and black converse before smacking her lips together and walking right into the party.

I think you forgot to RSVP.

She walked into the ballroom, her eyes were clouded with tears when she saw everyone staring at her. She looked over to the front of the room and everyone followed her eyes just in time to see the Prince and his girlfriend standing there talking. All of their eyes lit up to see what would happen next, well everyone’s eyes except one. Ariel shifted her weight and crossed her arms, waiting to see what would happen.

The stood there for a second, not saying anything, so Ariel took out her iPod and stuck it in her ears. She blasted the first song that came on shuffle, Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold. Her eyes started to tear up at how much the song reminded her of the two-timing boy that stood in front of her. She stared at his face, hoping to burn some kind hole or something in his face.

It was apparent that it didn’t happen when his mouth started moving, a look of fake happiness filled his face and he raised his hand like he was holding a glass.

“My people!” he said loudly, looking around at everyone there and back at the thing whose hand he had a death grip on.

“My dear Vanessa, I’ve only met you yesterday, but I already want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He pulled a ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee, looking up at Vanessa. “Will you marry me?”

There were a few gasps in the crowd and Ariel blocked the rest of the words the Thing’s annoying voice said back to him. She saw the Thing pull Eric into a hug, her artificial chest was pushed into her face and she felt like vomiting up the food that she hadn’t eaten yet. She walked out through the doors and moved in the direction of the bathrooms before she stopped and turned back towards the bathroom.

If you can’t beat them, join them.

She ran back into the ballroom and grabbed the first half good looking guy she saw and started dancing with him. She made the dancing as inappropriate as possible, knowing that if a Prince was dancing with her, no one would get kicked out. A girl came and pulled her dancing partner away from her, leaving her to grab another guy.

The chain went on and on, every time her partner left or got pulled away, she grabbed a new one. She kept an eye on Eric the whole time, which seemed very intent on keeping his finace happy, though she was more intrigued with her phone than with him.

The party seemed like it was going to go on forever and Ariel was getting tired. She pushed the last of the guys away from her, smacking her lips together before finding her way to the bar. She sat down and looked up at the bar tender, hoping he would get the idea and give her some kind of hard liquor to drown her sorrows in.

He put down a glass in front of her and she nodded at him, grabbing the cup without looking at it and chugged it back. She tried to swallow it all, but it burned her throat and caused her to cough. Her eyes started to water, either from random tears or because of the burning and she glared at the man behind the bar.

“It was Coca-Cola, madam. We aren’t permitted to serve alcohol to minors,” he said in his fake French accent and turned away from her. She screamed profanities at him in her head and walked away, heading to the bathroom to see if there were any razors or something she could use to pretend to cut herself.

It’s going to be a long night
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to get this crappy chapter out. D: