Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


Ariel was laying on her bed, crying emo tears which looked like black waterfalls. Her make-up had run down her face and her hair had deflated making her almost look normal. The black dress she was in was ripped up the side and down the front, showing her MCR underwear that Eric had found her in. She took a ragged breath and ripped her dress off, putting on her Avenged Sevenfold band-tee and skinny jeans. She walked over to find her iPod and plugged the headphones in her ears. She let the soothing voices of men that she knew would never stop loving her lull her to sleep, tears still coming down her face.



Her alarm screamed at her to wake up, Gerard Way’s voice filled her room and she knocked the alarm clock off of her side table, shattering it into a million pieces but making the music stop. She sat up and wiped her face off while she walked over to the bathroom. Today was the wedding of the Prince and his God-awful fiancé, and she intended to do something about that.

She got dressed in her normal lounge wear, a band tee and skinny jeans, quickly lining her eyes with dark black raccoon circles and put on some black eyeshadow, just to make her eyes pop.

Or make you look like a raccoon burglar

She walked through the long hallways of the castle with her music blasting in her ears, ignoring the people that were yelling at her and waving their hands in front of her face. She walked through the kitchen, deciding that eating was still over-rated, and walked into the courtyard where there was sunlight. She squinted her eyes and walked over to the water, trying to find a place to hide from the sun’s glare.

What are you, a vampire? No wonder your skin is so pale

She walked through the huge gardens and all the gross flowery looking places and watched everyone set up things for the wedding. Someone had the bright idea of having the wedding on the stage that was in the middle of town where MCR performed the first day Ariel had met her Emo Prince. She started sobbing again, thinking about when Eric was actually emo and they actually had something in common. Now she was invisible, like she always was. She felt like cutting herself again.

“Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?” Vanessa said from behind the girl, chewing her gum loudly and popping it in Ariel’s ear. Ariel jumped a bit and almost started crying again, but she didn’t. She ran away instead, getting halfway back to the castle before she almost broke down when one of the gardeners looked at her. She stood still for a second, trying to keep the emo tears from coming down and then she started walking again.

She made it all the way to the castle before she bumped into her maid. The lady glared at her and Ariel tried to scream something at her before she made her way to her room to get dressed into some more appropriate wedding attire. She looked through her closet, but found nothing other than a purple dress and some heels. Tears started to pour down her face and she ran to her door, swinging it open and looking for one of the maids that had to have done that awful thing.

She smacked around on a few walls and stomped her feet on the floor, earning herself a few glares and a few maids that came running. She grabbed one by the arm and dragged her into the closet, tears still coming from her puffy eyes.

“We thought you might want to wear something less…depressing to a wedding. It was the queen-to-be’s orders,” the poor maid said, looking scared. Ariel opened her mouth and tried to scream, but nothing other than a little puff of air came out. She shooed everyone out of the room and awkwardly got dressed into the hideous looking outfit. She walked into the bathroom, not wanting to look at herself in the mirror, and did her huge hair and raccoon eyes the same as she always did. She ran out of the room and onto the tackily decorated boat that was going to hold the wedding.

The boat was filled with princes and princesses from all over the world. They all sat around huge tables that didn’t look like they belonged on the ship, talking about how amazing it was that the rebellious Prince Eric was finally settling down with a girl. Ariel sat at the end of one of the long tables with her head in her hands, breathing out Google quotes that only she could hear.

“Attention everyone, the ceremony will be starting in a few minutes,” a voice, which one could only assume belonged to the king, said over all of the talking royalty. Ariel looked up in the sky, hoping to see a bird that couldn’t fly straight or hear a snort or a cough.

“Behind you, sweet cheeks,” he said, breathing out something that resembled smoke. Ariel made an odd looking motion with her hands and flapped her arms up and down, trying to explain to the bird what she wanted him to do. He looked at her, cocked his head to the side, and then flew straight into the air. She looked at him with her glossy eyes as everyone gathered around to listen to the man standing in-between Eric and Vanessa. She started crying into her hands, waiting for the man to stop talking and hoping that Scuttle would hurry.
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Terrible chapter is terrible. Sorry it took me so long. I lost my writing inspiration in the middle of the chapter, but hopefully I got it back. Even though this sucks.

Alu's will be five billion times better. :D