Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


The boy woke up, bursting into song along with her. At first she thought it was awesome; she could totally relate to him! But then she didn’t want him to see her. What if he thought she was weird or preppy? Or worse, ugly?

She flopped back into the water, swimming away as fast as she could. The water pushed against her, pushing her skinny jeans off of her tail. She screamed as they floated to the surface and somehow flew to the beach. Her heart broke as she saw her favourite pair of pants leave her. She sobbed and moaned all the way through the ocean.

”STRIP AWAY VANITY JUST AS YOU CONSUME ME. BROKEN SMILE, STARLESS SKY. SAVE IT ALL, SAY GOODBYE!” she screamed into the dark depths of the empty looking sea. No one was listening though, they didn’t care.

Ariel closed her eyes, tearing up at the picture that came to mind. She had so much in common with that boy on the beach! They could have had a life together. They could sit in the dark, listening to sad, heartbreaking songs and he could teach her how to cut herself.

She wished she had more courage, so that she could of stayed and talked to him. But she didn’t.

What an emo

She swam and swam until she could see the light coming from her castle. She swam up to the door and knocked on it, not caring who she was bugging.

“Yo, Ariel!” Someone yelled from behind her. She turned around to face her “best friend”, Flounder. He was cool, but he was ghetto and she didn’t become best friends with ghetto first.

“What do you want?” she asked, her make-up had fun down her face, making her look like a zombie racoon.

“Yo gotta come see this, dawg. Come wit me, aight?” He swam off in some random direction. Ariel rolled her eyes and followed the fish, her heart aching to swim back to the surface again.

Flounder lead her through some sharp rocks. All of them were tempting her to fall, ending her pathetic excuse for a life.

“We here, yo. I wanna know how many Benjamin’s dis thang is worth,” he was holding up a half-broken guitar. Ariel grabbed is from his little fins, looking at all the stickers on the outside. It had all her favourite bands on it!

My Little Pony?

“Who’s da bomb? Booya! Aight, I’m out,” Flounder swam away, leaving Ariel alone with her breaking heart. She started sobbing, knowing that she might never see him again. They were perfect for each other! How could the world keep them apart?

” Thanks again for my misery and you run with fake friends. I'm sick of your sad songs and sing-along’s. I kind of like it when things are wrong.” she yelled, her voice echoing through the rocks.

“Ariel, are you alright?” she heard her father yell.

“Am I ever alright, Triton? God, do you ever listen?” she screamed, hugging the guitar parts. Se hoped using his first name would make him mad enough to go away.

No such luck

“What are you holding?” he asked, coming around the corner and meeting her eyes. She glared and didn’t answer him. He came close and snatched it away, looking at it closely.

“Who’s is this?” he roared. It was his voice’s turn to echo.

“None of your business!” she screamed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“Like hell it’s nothing! You are never to go to the surface and touch these things again!” He grabbed his triton and set it on fire. He sat there and watched it burn, then swam away, yelling something about dinner.

Ariel lied on the ground, moaning and crying her eyes out. Her heart shattered into a million pieces, again. That was the last thing of his that she had. What was she going to do now?

” I will not be broken, I am the one!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. xD