Status: New.

Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess and They Drown the World With Their Emoness


Ariel was lying on the ground, wailing, moaning and bawling her eyes out. What more was there to do when the person you love has been taken away from you?

“Hey girlfran! Why are you crying?” she heard someone from behind her say. She looked up to see two electric eels staring at her.

“Oh em gee, she isn’t talking. Do you think she’s mute?” one eel asked.

“Uh, no. You’re totally off. She so is not,” the other giggled.

“What do you want?” Ariel groaned, moving from her spot on the ground. They stared at her for a second and burst into a fit of giggles.

“Come on Flotty, let’s take her back,” one said to the other, wrapping his tail around Ariel’s arm.

“Shouldn’t we ask her first, Jetty?” Flotsam asked Jetsam. They stared at Ariel and she just shrugged, more tears forming in her eyes.

“Alright, we’re like, totally going” one of them, Ariel couldn’t tell which one, said. They grabbed her and started swimming into the water that was as dark as her heart. She burst into another round of tears as the two eels dragged her off.

“ Everything I've done, everything I've gained, all means nothing now. A mere breath gone to waste!” she yelled into the darkness.

“Whoa, we aren’t that bad are we girlie?” the eel, Flotsam, asked her. She just cried, pouring her heat into the open water.

“Whatever, so not my problem,” Jetsam spoke this time. They swam further and further into the black ocean until they got to a cave. It was lit up by the flashing colours coming from the inside. Ariel gave one last cry before hanging her head down, only caring about the razor back home that was calling to her.

Jetsam and Flotsam brought her into the cave. Ariel’s eyes darted around as she took in her surroundings. There was dead crap everywhere. Souls were crying out and slithering around. This was Ariel’s kind of place.

“Ursula darling, we’re here!” the eels called out at the same time. A stick-thin, wrinkled lady came out from the shadows. She looked like she hadn’t eaten for days. She walked with a slight limp over to the girl and poked her cheek, smiling.

“Yes, you’ll do perfectly,” she said in a creepy voice. “Tell me girl, is there anything you want?”

“I wanted to tell you what really happened. But how do I explain this? How do I explain anything?!” Ariel wailed, starting to cry again.

“That’s all? I’m sure there’s something else.” Ursula urged the girl to start talking.

“Okay, I want to see that boy again! Can you take me to him?” Ariel cried, falling to her knees.

“Alright, I’ll let you see him. But you need to give me something in return,” Ursula rubbed her thin hands together.

“What do I need to give you?” Ariel asked, wiping the teas from her already stained cheeks. It did nothing.

“Your voice,” Ursula said bluntly. She leaned against the table, her stomach gurgling.

“Aren’t you going to eat or something?” Ariel asked, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t eat,” Ursula said. “Now can I have your voice or not?”

“Yeah, fine whatever. As long as I get to see that boy,” Ariel said, closing her eyes and waiting for whatever Ursula was going to do to her.

“Perfect!” Ursula started cackling and threw some dust on Ariel. She felt her voice leave her body and her fin turn into legs. It almost felt like some kind of release. She could get changed into something just like she could cut herself!

“Oh, and just so you know, you have three days to make him fall in love with you. Bye!” Ursula pushed her out into the water and Ariel swam to the surface, looking for any sign of that boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gay eels and anorexic Ursula.
Why yes.