
(2)"What are the flowers going to pop up and eat me?"

“Blaine no!” You screamed, before a big whoosh of air came through the open door and sucked the two of you inside.

The last thing you saw before being carried away was Blaine look back at you, confused then into the darkness you went, tumbling for what seemed like an endless amount of time before you landed gently on a soft patch of bright green grass.

You looked around, wondering what the heck was going on and how you could possibly get you and Blaine out of this mess. He wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box after all so you probably couldn’t count on his wits to find a way out. But he was the stronger of the two of you, since you had been sick ever since you were a little girl. Combining those two together it seemed like you were a whole person, that somehow got split apart. You were the smart, cold uncaring one and, he was the strong, cheery, unknowing one. But you still loved him as any twin should love the other. Thinking of Blaine you looked around for him and found him laying on his back a few feet away. He was breathing, so you figured he was ok and stood up, painfully, and took a look around. As far as you could tell you were in a forest, much like the one that you had been in when you fell into that hole. *Maybe we found the way out…* you thought hopefully, but in the back of your mind you always kept your doubt alive. It seemed much better to hope for the worst and expect it, than think that everything was going to be ok and then when I worst did happen be so hurt by it because you never thought it would happen. That was your way of thinking anyway… So in a huge looking forest with no where to go and no idea where you were even at to start, you turned around and went back to Blaine.
“Blaine…” you whispered, not quite knowing why, but it felt like a good idea since anything could pop out of the bushes.

He groaned and opened his eyes and looked up at you. “Sorry Alice…” was the first thing he said as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head. He was always saying that though… he was always doing things before he thought about them. You had gotten used to it, even if it did still slightly annoy you. You reached out your hand to him and helped him up as best you could and checked him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt, but he was more worried about you. Your wound was open again and dripping blood down your side, and even though you waved him away when he tried to look at it, he finally just picked you up and sat you down and looked at it without your consent. You didn’t blame him… *Now isn’t the time for childish games….* you reminded your self and winced as his wrapped part of his shirt that he had ripped around you tight to keep you from bleeding more.

“There,” he sighed and helped you back to your feet easily. “So where are we now?”

You bit your lip and looked around again. “I don’t know… which door did you knock on?”

Blaine looked at you for a minute, thoughtfully then shrugged. “I don’t know. I just reached out and tapped. I didn’t think it mattered…”

You sighed heavily, and shook your head, but looking up into Blaine’s eyes you smiled and nodded. “I guess it didn’t. We’d probably end up here either way. Or some place worse…”

Blaine smiled back and began to walk forward, you following close behind. The vegetation around you looked strange as you went along. Everything you saw had a faint glow to it, and the colors… greens, blues, purples, pinks all colors imaginable and spotted mushrooms lined the floor. Somehow you didn’t feel right stepping on them, so you tried to avoid it, while Blaine trampled everything in his path laughing as he said, “What are the flowers going to pop up and eat me?”

You watched them as you passed by, and it almost seemed like they WERE watching you, and the idea of being eaten by a flower didn’t seem so farfetched after all…

It was hot and tiring walking all that way, and the forest looked like it would go on forever.

“Well would you like to climb up a tree and see?” Blaine offered, as you voiced your concern.

You looked up at the tall trees, reaching up into the skies and a sudden fear of heights suddenly tightened your stomach, making you feel dizzy. Then again it could be the only way for you to find your way out… and Blain was too big to climb anything easily. So swallowing you nodded and he helped you up to the closest branch.

“Be careful,” he called up concerned. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea…”

“I’ll be fine,” you said shakily, as you clutched at the tree, digging your already broken nails into the bark to keep yourself steady. Your wound and the height was making you already feel like you were simply going to let go and fall to your death. Blaine trying to catch you from where you were at would only kill him too, but you knew he would try even if it did mean him dieing. And the thought made it all the more important that you climbed higher and looked. You didn’t want to be so useless in this… Blaine was the favored one, always showing off with his good looks and skills. And even though everyone felt sorry for poor pitiful, sick little you, you heard what they said about you when they thought you couldn’t hear them. That you’d never survive past your ninth birthday… That they should have left you to die when you were born, and that you would never be of any use to anyone, not even to a guy who might take enough pity on you to marry you. You had to prove to yourself it wasn’t true, so you pushed yourself to your very limits and climbed higher until Blaine’s voice was distant below you, and the wind whipped at you trying to wrench you from where you held on. But you held all the more tighter and finally made it to where you could see beyond the leaves that had blocked your vision.

“Alice!!!” Blaine yelled as loud as he could up to you. “What do you see?!”

You pulled the hair out of your eyes and gazed up in wonder. “The sky…” you whispered more to yourself, because he couldn’t hear you. “It’s red…” And looking to the East you saw something else. “And the ocean is black…”