
(7)“Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?”

“There was a cat,” you argued still, as the two of you continued to walk, and it only seemed as if you were getting deeper into the forest instead of out.

“Well then how do I not see it?” Blaine asked for the millionth time in that hour, and even he was getting irritated by the whole ordeal. Some part of him just wanted to shake you and make you realize there was no cat, but he could never hurt you like that. This place was definitely taking a toll on your relationship.

“Maybe he only appears to me,” you again tried to explain to him, but it was no use. He wouldn’t accept the fact that you had seen something that he couldn’t. He wouldn’t accept that there was something he couldn’t protect you from, because he couldn’t see it.

“Look there,” you pointed ahead, and before the two of you was a plain dirt path, coming out of no where and going into an even darker part of the forest. Where you had been walking you could see small spots of sunlight filtering through the trees, and life still grew on the ground. But what you saw ahead of you looked completely different. It was dark as night, with only that path and bits of grass growing along it. “It’s a path… that means people have to have been here to make it.”

Blaine didn’t like the thought. There was no telling what made it, person or not, but you were already walking into it. “Come on,” you waved him in. “We might as well take it.”

Something about it didn’t feel right, but there was no other way to go. From one side to the other the trees stretched from that forest, and there was no way to tell if there even was a way around. So he stepped forward into the darkness, and it was like night had fallen.

You looked behind your back and saw that there was still light and life from where you had came.

“Maybe we should get a light…” Blaine offered, turning back.

But you stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, “We should do our best not to be spotted… who knows what’s lurking in here. We’ll just have to get used to it, and hope it doesn’t last long.”

And the thought of no light was definitely not appealing, but you didn’t want to attract more attention than you had to.

And not only was the darkness suffocating, but there was no sound to be heard, from bird or beast. It was like drowning, and even Blaine’s mindless chattering made him sound distant, and covered.

When you started to hear something, a sweet voice humming, it didn’t really bring comfort, since it was the only sound to be heard in hours of walking.

As you looked around for the sound you found yourself coming upon a little girl, dressed in a bright red cloak, skipping down the dirt path happily with a basket held in one arm. The thought that an innocent little girl was out, alone in this forest alarmed you at first, but looks deceive as you had found out, and you wanted to approach her with caution, but Blaine obviously hadn’t thought of that when he went running up to her, yelling for her to stop.

“Blaine…” you hissed, as you tried to grab onto his sleeve, but you missed and he went to her, dropping to one knee before her, so she would be forced to stop.

“Hi there,” he smiled friendly, “Are you lost?”

She stared up at him with big innocent eyes, then her look dissolved into something of mischief.

“Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?” she asked, her eyes glowing reddish for a split second.

Blaine laughed and pulled his sword from his back, “I’m hardly afraid of wolves, little girl.”

She smirked, “Well you should be. He’s been walking around this forest, gobbling up anyone he comes across.”

It sounded wrong, coming from a voice so sweet, and you walked up to the two of them. “If he’s going around eating anyone walking this forest, then why hasn’t he eaten you?”

“Alice…” Blaine looked at you, shocked you could say something like that to such a young child, but looking into her eyes, you knew something was wrong with her. They looked far too old for her age…

Even when she looked at you, with the same innocent look she had given Blaine, “I must deliver these sweets to grandmother,” she explained, holding open her basket for you to see it was filled with cookies. “Mothers orders… and I fear her more than any wolf.”

The comment was strange, as everything else in this Hell, and you tossed it off, “Well can we come with you to see your grandmother?”

She was thoughtful, then nodded her head, “Grandmother loves visitors, but you’ll have to find your own way.”

“Wait just a minute you little runt,” Blaine went after her, as she was going ahead, but with a giggle she disappeared into the darkness and was gone.

“I guess we should get going then,” he sighed, but you didn’t move. “Alice?” he asked looking back at you, but you were frozen, staring at the huge werewolf that had appeared on the path before you.

Blaine’s eyes followed yours and since he already had his sword out, he held it in front of him, as the werewolf snarled and took giant steps towards the two of you.

“Blaine…” you said fearfully, baking away, “Tell me that is not a werewolf…”

“After all we’ve seen this surprises you?” he asked, in shock, and the wolf took the chance to leap at the two of you, pinning you both down, Blaine laying on top of you, holding the werewolf off with his sword.

It snapped wildly, trying to break through the sword, but it held, and you rolled out from under Blaine as he pushed it back, stumbling away.

You were standing behind Blaine, holding a big rock to throw at it, in case you needed to, and to your surprise it started laughing.

“Alice…” Blaine asked your name, “It’s laughing…”

“I’m going to take that as a good sign,” you breathed, “Because now it’s not eating us…”

The werewolf backed away, and stood tall before you, “Good evening travelers… I’m sorry to have attacked you like this, but that bitch riding hood was watching me.”

Both you and Blaine were too confused to speak, and it shone in your eyes. You got over it though, “What do you mean? She made you attack us?”

The werewolf nodded, and waved his clawed hand for you to come closer, “Come closer, friends. I will not harm you, so long as she is gone.”

You gave Blaine a look, and bit your bottom lip, and he gave you the, “Don’t even think about it look,” but you took a couple small steps forward past him anyway.

The werewolf chuckled kindly, and nodded, “I understand, you can not trust me. But all I want in life is to rip that girl to pieces…”

“Then what’s stopping you?” you asked bravely, taking another step forward.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t sense something wrong about her,” he snarled, showing his sharp teeth, “She is the one who made me into this…”

You had noticed the terrible feeling you had gotten from her, “What is she? Surely she is not a little girl… I saw her eyes that she was not so young…”

The werewolf chuckled, and shifted his feet, making long scratch marks in the ground, “You are wise to notice… she is a demon in disguise. Much like what you would call a vampire or a witch. She lures travelers to her “grandmothers” house, then steals the blood from their bodies, and bathes in it, which keeps her eternally young.

“That’s monstrous,” you breathed, holding your hands over your mouth.

“And then of course she would feed me the leftovers,” he laughed, coming close to you, in a split second, so you had no time to move, and Blaine couldn’t save you. “Which from the looks of you I almost wouldn’t mind taking you to her… you do look so delicious…” He licked his lips, and you saw the look in his eyes, as if he was losing control of himself, and tried to struggle out of his arms.

But before Blain could do anything, the wolf was violently thrown back and you tumbled out of his arms, and flew back into Blaine.

“What the-” Blaine tried to ask something, but went quiet, when the two of you looked up and saw the wolf being held down.

You could see what was holding him down, Blaine could not. It was the cat… Only he wasn’t a cat anymore. He was now a boy, dressed in simple clothes, with two pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head, and a pink and white striped tail coming from his back.

“Alice, what’s going on?” Blaine asked, but you shushed him.

“Get off of me, you infernal creature,” the wolf howled, clawing at the cat, who’s skin instantly repaired, as he cut into it.

The cat sat atop him, holding one clawed hand against the wolf’s throat, “I warned you not to harm her, “he hissed. There was no grin on his face, as you had always seen before, but a killing look.

“I have it under control now,” he whelped, as the cat’s claws bit into his flesh.

You stood up, off of Blaine, and tried to go to them, but Blaine stopped you, his hand on your shoulder, “Are you insane? This is our chance to run…”

You looked fiercely back at him, “You still can’t see him?”

“Who?” he asked confused, looking to the wolf, “I see the wolf, that was seconds ago going to rip you apart. And now you’re walking towards him…”

You shook your head, sure now that Blaine couldn’t see the cat, or neko now that he was, so you ran up to them, paying no attention to his yelling, and pointed to the cat, “You! Why are you following me? And why don’t you ever give me a straight answer?”

The cat, looked down at the wolf, and with one last bare of his fangs, got off of him, and the wolf instantly took off into the forest.

“Alice!” Blaine yelled at you, as he grabbed your arm, and tried to pull you to him, “Have you gone completely crazy? Who are you talking to?”

“Shut up Blaine!” you had finally had enough of this, and if he couldn’t see him then he would just have to sit back and be quiet. “Why can’t my brother see you?”

“Those who see me, are who I choose,” he smiled, coming close to you.

“He said he chooses who can see him,” you told Blaine, as he looked at you, thinking you had gone mad. “Why are you following me?”

Again, he smiled cattily, and came even closer and without warning you were in his arms, his lips pressed against yours.

You tried to cry out, and struggle against him, and get Blaine to help you in some way, but how could Blaine help with something he couldn’t see? You began to relax, and take it, even enjoying it for seconds until it was over, and he pulled back, stepping away from you as you reached out to slap him.

“That should answer your question…”