
(9)"She is called The Queen Of Hearts, and not for love. "

You struggled with her as best you could, but she was simply too strong and overtook you easily, tossing the dagger you had stabbed her with to the ground where it clanged and disappeared from sight. You realized you were in a different room now, where there was a metal table in the center, and a bathtub stained red beside it. All sorts of blood extracting equipment lay around the room, and you knew what she intended to do.

She laughed as she backed you into the table, and you reached for something, anything to use against her, but she saw what you were doing and with one hit knocked you out cold onto the ground.

When you opened your eyes again, all you could see was white light above your head, and felt the coldness of the metal table underneath you. You tried to move, but found that your hands and feet were fastened down by leather straps.

“Now you sit here and be a good girl, while I go and find your brother,” she laughed, leaning over the table to look into you eyes, then disappeared before them.

You closed your eyes tight against the tears coming to them and whispered, “Blaine… run…”

Blaine was panicked after he watched you disappear helplessly, in the arms of that foul woman. He searched the house first high and low trying to find a secret door or something, anything to get to you. But no luck… finally he went outside, and searched there, and was met by a not so friendly face. The wolf…

It was clear that Red Riding Hood was controlling him because when he tried to say something to the poor beast he attacked, claws and teeth aimed for Blaine’s neck.

Blaine was quicker though, and had his sword out, and read before the wolf could touch him. He held him back, though his strength was wavering. He had no time to deal with this fool… You needed his help. He could hear your voice in his head, begging you to run and leave you behind, but he shook it off, and concentrated on killing the wolf. He knew you had hoped to make him an ally, but he didn’t have time for reason. He only had time for blood…

He sliced left as the wolfs claws went for his side, and cut deeply into it’s hand, making him whelp and jump back. The cut seemed to bring the wolf to his senses, for his eyes cleared and he looked at Blaine desperately, “You must kill her… set me free… set us all free…”

He didn’t have time to contemplate the statement, because once he had said what he said, the wolf again attacked, his eyes turning white.

Blaine, for the first time that day, truly did want to help him, and so with a heavy hit to the head from the back of his sword, the wolf was out with a small whimper. It didn’t leave Blaine unscathed though, and looking down at his arm he saw a heavy flow of blood from the claw marks that went into him. He didn’t feel it though, and ran on ahead, unsure of where to go really, when a light emerged from the cottage.

He followed it, only to be met with the sight of Red standing in the building, looking annoyed.

“Where did you go, you worm!” she cried, looking about until she spotted him outside of the doorway, holding his sword evenly.

She smiled, and approached him, and he watched as her body melted into that of the little girl.

“Stay back!” he ordered, holding his sword to her as she approached.

“But mister,” she sniffled, rubbing one eye, “I’m so alone. I just want to go back to my family… can’t you help me?”

It was harsh, having to slice through a little girl, but Blaine wasn’t about to fall for the façade she putting on as the little girl, and with one stroke he cut her from shoulder to lower stomach, nearly splitting her in half.

She screamed, as blood poured out of her body, but still did not fall to death, and looked up at Blaine, eyes glowing red with fury.

Somehow he knew she was about to leave him, so he grabbed her by the hair as she turned and disappeared and was carried with her to you.

“Damn you…” she hissed, showing sharp fangs at Blaine and jumped on him, as he tried to go to you. She bit deeply into his neck, making him cry out, but with one hand he grabbed onto her and flung her over his shoulder hard onto the ground.

There was a sickening splat as her open wounds hit, and more blood came from her, making one wonder where it was all coming from. As Blaine lashed down with his sword, she was quicker, and jumped up to her feet where she picked up a long, pointed knife, jumped onto the table, on top of you, and help it to your throat.

“Take one step closer and I’ll put this knife through her throat…” she warned, pressing it down so a drop of blood went trailing down your neck.

Blaine couldn’t move, and he could barely think as he watched, for the first time feeling helpless over you. He had always been there to protect you, no matter the circumstances, but this time it was too far..

As she smiled, ready to plunge the dagger through your throat anyway, there was a crashing sound from behind her, and the wolf came in, snarling and snapping his teeth, until he reached Red where his iron jaws locked over her head, and with a loud and bloody crunch, crushed it. Her tiny body fell to the floor, the stump of her neck missing it’s head…

Blaine watched the wolf, wary of his movements, but them with a sad whimper he lowered himself down to the ground.

Blaine took that as a, “it’s safe” remark, and went to your side where he untied you immediately.

You took a step off the table, slipping in the blood still coming from the stump of Red’s neck, and looked to the wolf questioning, “Why is she still bleeding?”

But it wasn’t him who answered. “She absorbed all of the blood of her victims.”

It was Red’s little girl voice, but when you looked to the body, there was the shimmering image of her, with the old woman, holding hands. She smiled to you, “I am the real Red Riding Hood. She stole our appearances after she came to this forest, and killed me and my grandmother. The werewolf you see before you,” she pointed to the shivering pile of fur on the floor, “Is the woodcutter who saved us from the bad wolf so long ago. She turned him into what he is now, and I’m afraid that even though she is dead there is no returning to what he once was.” Her voice was angelic, but sad at the same time as she spoke of him. But again her eyes met yours and Blaine’s and she smiled like an angel, “I thank you for setting us free from her. Trust us, that we will repay you, someday.” And then they were gone as well.

Once outside, and away from the building, which you had later found out to be just a stone cellar a little further away from the cottage, you stood with the wolf, your eyes looking over his bloody fur, and sad eyes. “I wish there was some way we could repay you…” you said for both you and Blaine, who was standing behind you.

“It is I who am in your debt, my lady,” he heaved a sigh, and looked into your eyes, I have been stuck in this Hell for fifty years now, doing her bidding. You have set me free, and now, though wolf I may be, I no longer have to take part in murdering the innocent. I thank both of you, for being so brave, especially in this land where nightmares reign. Trust that neither of you will be forgotten, so long as I have a voice.”

You nodding, giving him a weak smile having no words to comfort him, but at least now he was free. “Tell me,” you said, after the silence had gotten to thick, “What do you know of the Queen?”

His face darkened, “There is little to tell. I myself have not seen her, but have heard of her deeds. She is called The Queen Of Hearts, and not for love. She lives in a castle far from here, guarded by a ruthless breed of cards who have human faces. There is hardly a soul who would dare of speak of her, because her eyes are everywhere, and she hears without presence. I would advise you, my lady, not to venture close to there.”

You nodded again to his words, “I appreciate your concern. But if the root of this evil lies in her, then maybe that is exactly the place we need to go. Besides, we are still looking for our way home,” you explained as you had already told him of not being from this land.

“You both are braves souls,” he chuckled shaking his head, “But maybe that’s just what wonderland needs in these, that are it’s darkest days. But I have warned you, all you will find is pain and misery from her, and if she brought you to this realm then it is doubtful she will allow you to leave again.”

“Either way, that is where we are headed,” you sighed, resolved to go that way anyway. “Oh,” you pulled out the clock which you had taken from the house after you had searched it for provisions, “Do you know what, “Hatter Industries,” is, perhaps?”

The wolf looked thoughtful, then shrugged. “I have heard of a Hatter, who is mad with time, but again have never ventured to see myself. This place is filled with mad people though, the land and it’s Queen has that effect on us all. If you don’t find a way out, you’ll soon know those effects all too well I’m afraid. I think it is time though, that I have ventured away from this place. It holds too many memories, and even more nightmares than I’m willing to face.”

”You’re welcome to come along with us,” you offered, much to Blaine’s disdain. He, being your brother, didn’t like the idea of having any other guy near you, because he didn’t trust them to take care of you as he did. Good thing for him that he could not see Cheshire…

“I thank you for the offer,” he smiled and took you hand in his, “But I must go on alone. We will meet again though of that I am sure.”

Disregarding his hand, you hugged him, again to Blaine’s disdain, and waved goodbye, as he bounded through the forest on four legs, “Take care,” you yelled after him. “And farewell!”

“That was a bit much, don’t you think?” Blaine asked as you turned back to him, seeing he now has his arms crossed over his chest.

“He saved our lives,” you scolded, brushing it off. “And may in the future do it again.”

“I could have saved you…” Blaine mumbled under his breath, but you ignored it. If it was one thing Blaine hated it was someone else saving his baby sister(or so he considered you the baby since he was born right before you.) It was his job, and his alone, being your older brother, and any other guy making the attempt just angered him for some reason. It had always been just the two of you, for as long as he could remember. Your mother had left when you were very young, and your father tried his best to raise the two of you, but could only really understand Blaine. He didn’t know how to deal with your sickness, so mostly you were left with the nanny watching over the two of you, since Blaine refused to leave your side, even at that young age. You always took care of each other, and the thought of you going to another guy to protect and take care of you, just wasn’t something he could fathom. He wasn’t jealous because he wanted to be with you like another man could, but jealous because all your lives your affections had been on him, and him alone. And the thought of giving his affections away to another girl had never even crossed his mind once. Sure, he was very good looking, and could have easily been with someone else. But he always rejected those who would try, saying you were more important and that he just couldn‘t be in a relationship when you needed him so much. And you were the most important thing in his life, because if not for you, he wouldn’t be himself. It was something he had realized so long ago, though had never really told you. It was unspoken, and needed no words. Whether you knew it or not, Blaine was happy to follow you into Hell if that’s where you were headed. And from the sound of things, where the Queen of Hearts lived didn’t sound far off from it…

All the while through Blaine’s thinking you had wandered off, seeing something white dart into a nearby bush. You followed it to the edge and peeked in, seeing nothing there at first. But then there it was, a furry little puff of white. You wrinkled your brow and reached out for it, but when your hand grasped it there was a yelp.

You instantly backed away from the bush in shock, and found yourself face to face with a boy with white hair and blue eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing just going around grabbing people’s tails?” he asked rubbing the puff of white that was his tail, and then you realized he had white rabbit ears sticking from the top of his head.

“I- I…” you stumbled on your words, backing away from him, “I’m sorry?”

“Oh don’t worry about it,” he sighed, and gave you a charming smile, but then his look turned to complete panic, “Oh no! I’m late!” He took a pocket watch from the pocket on his shirt, and shook his head, “Don’t you know what time it is? I’m sorry, so sorry, but I must be going.”

“Wait!” you ran after him, as he hopped/ran away, down the dirt path, “My brother and I need help. Can you help us find the Queen of Hearts?”

“No time, there’s never any time,” he said, shaking his head as he looked down at his watch again. You could barely see it now, but from what you did see it looked rather broken.

“But you’re watch,” you panted, “It’s not even working.”

“Of course it is,” he hid it back in his pocket, and skidded to a stop, blushing as he looked at you, one of his eyes covered by his hair, “How do you like it here?”

“What do you mean?” you asked, confused that he was even asking that.

But without answering he took off down the road, leaving you to puzzle over what he had just said.

“Alice?” Blaine came up to you, with a look of utter shock on his face, “That guy had rabbit ears, didn’t he?”

“Yes, Blaine,” you said, looking after where he had just gone. “He looks so familiar though… like I’ve seen him- oh my gosh!” You covered your mouth with your hands, realizing something big. “He’s the reason we’re here… He’s who I was chasing that day!”