The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Before The Party


I really don’t want to go to the party.

My names Aimee and I’ve had an invitation to go to a party by one of my friends. Except she’s not just a friend… I’ve known her for all my life. She’s 2 years younger than me. I wont know anyone there. She’s a great friend… but I just don’t want to be the odd one out. Plus they will all be in pink frilly dresses or something. I always wear black, it reflects my mood. I love rock music. MCR have helped me through some really hard times. Been there for me when no one else has. Helped me stop self harming. Sometime I just wish I had someone who could understand what its like. I get bullied a lot at my school for being different. I
have a disability… not that many people can tell. I cover it up pretty well. Its just so hard sometimes.

Gah.. Do I go or do I not?
I’ve known her for so long that it would be mean of me not to go.

Well that’s it then, I’m going to go.
But all dressed in black and in MCR merch.
Oh and a ton of eyeliner.
That way I can feel myself.
A xxx


Hi. I'm Adalia. I'm a 13 year old black and MCR obsessive. That is my life. That band and music is my life!!! I'm about to go to a party for a new friend. I met her a couple of months ago. I'll be the only one in black I know it! All her other friends are pretty girly - not that it bothers me that much. Her name is Hannah by the way.

Hannah told me about someone there who is, you know, like me!! I really hope she'll be there.But I am used to being the odd one out. The odd one out at school. The odd one of my family. Its called life I suppose!
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