The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Drummer Time


I relaxed a lot more after Lucia moved away. I wasn’t constantly living in fear of being hurt. Unfortunately I still hadn’t managed to break my habit of cutting. I don’t know why, my arms were a mess and I regretted it every time but I couldn’t help myself. I was getting stronger though, I wasn’t cutting as much as I used to. I only did it about twice a day now. I knew that with time I would manage to stop completely.

Because I had something to focus on, it kept me going through all the bad points of my day. My guitar playing was slowly getting better and with that the songs improved as well. We were doing really well, Me and Adalia were singing together so that covered the vocals, trouble was we needed a drummer. And that Tuesday, our chance appeared.

I was sat in the form room at lunch, alone as usual when this girl just waltzed into the form. I looked up from behind my mop of black hair and pressed pause on my ipod. This could be interesting I felt.

‘Quieten down girls, We have a new person joining our form today.’

Our form tutor pointed at the girl, clad in the grotty colour of green which represented our school uniform. She was quite tall, with brown hair with streaks of neon pink in her fringe. She stood there looking slightly nervous, I glanced at her Something Corporate messenger bag. My form tutor continued.

‘This is Crystal Railey and I hope you girls all give her a warm welcome.’

She turned to the girl, pointed at the empty chair next to me and said

‘Here you can sit there, I’m sure Aimee won’t mind.’

I nodded in agreement and shoved my bag closer to my chair so she could sit down.

‘Hey. Crystal’s the name, as you just heard!’

‘Yeah, don’t mind her’ I pointed at our Form Tutor, ‘She’s okay really.’

‘Okay, I’ll bear that in mind! So what music you into then?’ She nodded at my ipod.

‘Here, have a look’ I gave her my ipod and watched as she scrolled through the countless number of artists.

‘Wow, you are into the same stuff as me, but I have to say I prefer Something Corporate to My Chemical Romance!’

I laughed. ‘Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hey, do you play any instruments?’

‘ I do, drums in fact. How about you? ‘

My mind sprung into action, this is who we needed.

‘Guitar, I wanna see you play sometime. I’m in a band and we’re looking for a drummer, that’s if you’re interested?’

‘Wow, yeah I’d love to. Where and when?’

‘Come round mine on Friday, and I’ll take you to my friend Adalia’s house, we can practise there.’

She smiled. Well problem solved, I just hoped she could play well.