The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Demo Time.

We had improved a lot as a band, Crystal was a really good drummer and the three of us became really good friends. We began to go around together at school as we realised we had all chose similar subjects and we found ourselves in the same classes more often. We went from being ‘Emo Kids’ who sat alone in the corner to having our own little group. We didn’t care what people thought of us and slowly we were beginning to get treated better. We were still outsiders, but that didn’t matter, we had each other.

The fact that we were in a Band, also got round school, how, I have no idea, but it did.
At first we were shy about admitting it but we decided unanimously that it was better if we did.

As usual I was walking down the corridor towards my art room, my half completed canvas under my arm. I was drawing a picture of Gerard Way, his black hair flowing behind him. I had decided to draw him as he was onstage, makeup and everything. At first my art teacher thought I was a bit mad, but as the time went on, she realised that I generally did admire him and that he taught me a lot. She even encouraged me to draw him and the band.

‘Hey, You’re Aimee aren’t you?’

I span round, I was faced by a Year 11, her black hair cut into a bob and her fringe dyed bright blue. I was wondering what the hell she wanted. I answered her anyway.

‘Yeah, er what do you want?’

‘You’re in that band, Distorted Youth right?’

Wow, I thought, even Year 11’s know about this. Even though she was only a year older than me, I was surprised.

‘Yeah, I am, what about it?’ I stammered back.

‘When are you guys playing a gig?’ she asked.

I was totally shocked, That hadn’t even crossed my mind yet. We hadn’t even recorded anything we played. Maybe it was time that we did, I made a mental note to tell the guys that later at Band Practise.
Then I realised that I was still standing there with the girl in front of me.

‘Oh we’re not sure about that yet, I’ll have to get back to you.’

‘Cool, here is my mobile number, text me when you know.’ She handed me a piece of paper.

‘Sure, will do.’

‘Thanks.’ She grinned and walked off.


*Later at Band Practise*

‘Hey Guys’

I walked into the room and plugged my guitar into the amp, Crystal picked up the drumsticks and Adalia stood by the microphone. I had told them earlier about the girl and we all agreed to record a demo and send it of to the local record company.

‘Ready to rock?’ Asked Crystal grinning, holding her drumsticks up into the air.

‘Hell Yeah.’ Adalia and I said in time.

Adalia hit ‘Record' on the computer.

‘One, Two, One Two Three Four!!!’ Crystal yelled.

She began to drum, I strummed my guitar in time and sang the open line, then Adalia kicked into action sending the bass line ringing around the room. We went through 3 songs without stopping. We played with all our effort and put our souls into that performance. It went extremely well.

Exhausted but happy, we retrieved the disk from the computer and walked round the corner to post it in the letter box.

All we had to do now was wait.