The Story Of The MCR Buddies

The Letter.

[Aimees P.O.V]

For the past week my body had been running on adrenaline, I was having the time of my life. I can’t even describe how amazing the gigs were, the guys in the band, The Light Within, were amazing, they looked after us and showed us how to do it. We couldn’t have asked for a better band to share our first tour with. We met new people everyday and the kids loved us. We became close friends with Sam, Mike, Oli and Josh and they promised to take us on tour again. As for the three of us, well we were just ecstatic and couldn’t believe that we were actually doing this. I couldn’t thank Adalia and Crystal enough for the guitar, it must have cost them a bomb but it was worth it. We came off stage every night, covered in sweat, exhausted to the bone but happy and raring to do it all over again. It was truly amazing.

Our parents even came along to one gig, that was hilarious. They were totally shocked at how well we were doing. They looked horrified when the three of us, in unison, jumped off of the stage and onto the crowds awaiting arms but were laughing by end of it. They all came backstage and congratulated us. That was the best part.

Anyway, we became well known in our school after that. Little year 7s wanted autographs and merch when they hadn’t even heard us sing. We had countless people wanting to be in the band but we always politely refused, we were happy as we were.

It was the day after we got back and I was sitting in the basement of Adalias house, Crystal was munching her way though a supersize pack of skittles and chucking them at me and Adalia. We now had pictures of us playing gigs and TLW along with all the other posters which lined the wall. Tomorrow was going to be the first photoshoot of us as a band, we had decided to get out there and promote our band.

‘Looking forward to tomorrow?’ I asked the guys.

‘Hell yeah’ Crystal replied.

‘Totally, we gonna be on the front page of Kerrang!’ Adalia joked.

‘Haha, we wish!’ I replied throwing a pile of skittles at her.

Just then we heard Adalia’s mum yell down to us.

‘Girls, you have mail!’

‘Okay thanks mum, we’ll be right up.’ Adalia yelled back and scrambled to her feet.
‘Come on you lazy bones’ She said pulling us up with her.

We raced each other up to ground level where Adalia’s mum was holding an envelope, it had the recording studios address on the back. Our hearts started to pound. We looked at each other nervously.

‘Go on girls, open it.’ Adalia’s mum urged us, shoving the letter towards me.

‘You can.’ I said, passing the letter to Adalia.

‘Okay, on the count of three.’ Crystal muttered.

‘One, Two, Three.’ We said in unison.

Adalia tore the letter open and read aloud.

‘We are very pleased to have received a demo from your band, Distorted Youth and we were astounded by what we heard. We would be delighted if you and your band members could come by our studios to discuss signing with us.’

There was a stunned silence, broken suddenly by screaming. All three of us screamed and hugged each other.

‘YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY’ Crystal screamed dancing around in circles.

‘Wow, that’s amazing, I knew you girls would do well.’ Adalia’s mum beamed and walked back into the kitchen.

‘Come on guys, lets go and tell TLW, they are going to be pleased.’ I said pulling the two of them out the front door and down the road.

Now all we had to do was get through tomorrow, and what a day Tomorrow was going to be. I couldn’t wait.