The Story Of The MCR Buddies

And Then They Met


I stood there in Hannah’s bedroom, staring. We were surrounded by people dressed in pink, and then there was us two. Clad completely in black and wearing eyeliner, studded belts and MCR merch.

Hannah stood there, grinning, it was at times like these when I realised what a great person she could be. 'I thought you two would get on!' she said smiling from ear to ear. Hell Yeah, was the thought running through my mind. It was obvious from our clothing that we both had a massive love for MCR and rock music. I manage to stammer ‘hey’. She smiled and said Hey back. I made up in that instant that I was going to sit next to her in the bright Pink Limo. I was the happiest I had been in a long time. The time seemed to fly by, we spent it listening to Ipods, and talking music, completely oblivious to the fact we were at someone elses party.