The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Getting Ready.. and A Suprise.

My heart almost leapt out of my chest. I couldn’t actually believe it. WE WERE IN WITH A CHANCE OF MEETING MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE Our heroes, the ones who had kept us sane through all the bad times. I couldn’t thank them enough. It suddenly made me realise how thankful I was for friends like Adalia, if she hadn’t been there. God Knows where I would have been right now. We were truly living our dreams.

It was the first night of Download. We were excited as hell. We were due to go on just before MCR, like what were the chances of that?! We were on in half an hour. We dressed ourselves up in MCR merch and started to warm up, using I’m Not Okay, as the warm up tune. Just as we got to the chorus, a guy walked around the corner.

‘Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you playing.’

I smirked at Adalia and Crystal, we all recognized this guy. We all stood there smiling like idiots.

‘Wait, I know that song, hell I should, I wrote it!’

He took a look around and spotted our t-shirts.

Laughing, he said

‘You wouldn’t by any chance be massive MCR fan, who use I’m Not Okay (I Promise) as their warm up song AND be in the band called Distorted Youth?’

‘Got it in one’ We said unanimously. Running up to him.

‘Pleased to meet you. Want a hug?’

‘Hell yeah’ I embraced him laughing like a loon, waiting for the others to do the same.

‘Thank you, for everything’ I muttered in his ear. He nodded, knowing what I meant.

‘No problem, thank you for believing in this band.’
‘Talking of which, want to meet the others?’

‘Try stopping us.’ Adalia said, racing towards the door, only to turn around and open it, waiting for Gerard to go first.

Winking at me, Adalia and Crystal followed him. Laughing I did the same.
I couldn’t wait.