The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Are you ready for this?

'That was FREAKING AWESOME' I yelled at Gee, Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob. I ran up and hugged them all, they were all covered in sweat but I didnt care, they were our heroes and I wouldnt have cared if they had been covered in the smelliest of odours. They all nodded in acknowledgement. I high fived Bob and Mikey as they walked of to grab towels.

'Glad you liked it' Gerard grinned at the three of us.

'Yeah, you guys were pretty awesome too' Ray said, Smiling.

Whoa, did I just hear right, the best guitarist in all of New Jersey just said our band was awesome. My mouth gaped open.

'Shut your mouth, unless you wanna catch files, which in that case you may be standing there for quite a while. Seeing as I dont see any flies near by!' Frank grinned cheekily as he said that.

I heard a fit of giggles from behind me. I turned around to see Adalia and Crystal laughing their heads off. Blushing, I punched them lightly on the arm. Jeeze, I musn't do that again!

--------------------------------------------The Next Day--------------------------------------------

We were sat in our van, grinning like idiots. We had spent the past day and night in mosh pits, getting punched and drenched in sweat. We had so much fun and even spent some more time with MCR, those guys really were the best people in the world. Gerard had even given us all black parade jackets, they 'werent needed' apparently. We each had a signed picture with the guys and of course we had the memories of meeting them.

'Right, ready to head back to normality or should I say reality?' Crystal asked us from the front of the van.

'Yeah, we might as well.' I sighed, it was going way to quickly but that always happened with good times. All too soon we would be sat back in our classrooms learning about some random topic that wouldnt really help us later on in our lives. I couldnt help but feel slightly down.

'Hey ho, Lets Go' Adalia said, smiling reasuringly at me. I loved these two people, they always knew what I was feeling without me actually saying it. A sharp knock on my window made me jump and pulled me away from my thoughts.

'Going somewhere are you?'

'Er well, we were, back home.' I said, soundly slightly scared but almost laughed when I saw who it was.

'GERARD, MIKEY, FRANK, RAY AND BOB, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' The three of us yelled in unision.

'Whoa dude, are these girls like evil triplets or something, it freaks me out how they always do that.' Bob muttered to Ray.

'I dunno, anyway let Gee say what he was gonna say' Ray muttered back to Bob.

'So yeah, what were you gonna say?' I asked Gerard whilst looking at Ray with a puzzeled look on my face.

Gerard looked slightly uncomfortable and started playing with his hair.

'Yeah, c'mon man spit it out.' Adalia said from beside me.

'Er, why dont you all get out of the van?' He said without looking up from playing with his hair.

The three of us got up and out of the van in silence, and stood side by side against the van facing Gerard and the guys.

'Well....?' Crystal prompted Gerard to start talking.

'Yes, right well' Gerard stopped playing with his hair and looked at each one of us in turn before continuing to speak. 'the guys and I were wondering if ... well... if you wanted to come on tour with us.. but you dont have too of course, I mean what with your school work and everything.. we'd need permission from you parents as well... we just think that you guys would be a great support band for us.'

We were gobsmacked.
I jumped on top of Gerard, making him fall over.

'WOULD WE LIKE TO?! HELL ID LOVE TO, WE'D DO ANYTHING TO.' I yelled, causing a few passers by to look up and stare at me.

Adalia almost screamed.

Crystal was for some strang reason, on her knees and yelling THANK YOU over and over again.

'Well I guess thats a yes' Mikey said, grinning at his elder brother.

'Well all we need now is your parents permission' Gerard smiled at us. 'Okay?'

'Okay' We said in unision.