The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Stay with us!


We had weasled our way out of school and things were going so well! I found myself living in a dream, a wonderful dream! The first gig with MCR was amazing. They were the first band that we had toured with the watched out set and cheered us on! Me and Mikey had great times being bass geeks! What a great life eh?

The crowds are wild at these gigs. MCR crowds are seriously the best! Also these venues are huge! We were having the time of our lives. Until....


Somewhere in a hotels lounge....

"No way! I really love Iron Maiden but I am a die hard Green Day and MCR fan of course!" said Aimee, while I was staring at Gee who was motionless.

"Ahh well its the pumkins for me!" said Mikey "Well we are gonna go to the bar, sorry you guys can't come. You coming bro?...... Gerard?"

"Is he okay?"I said

"Yeah don't worry. Hes probably just tired" Mikey said, patting Gerard on the head.

"Wheres Crystal?" I said

"In bed. She was so tired!" Aimee replied "How is Gerard. He doesn't look asleep"

"I don't really know. Gerard? Hey Gee are you alright mate?"

I put my arm round him and he fell across me shaking and crying. Aimee sat the other side of Gerard on the sofa as we pulled him up straight. Dear god, he looked so pale.

"It...." Gerard murmered

He broke down crying and launched himself off the sofa as Aimee and I tried to keep up with him. The two of us held his body still. Gerard gasped then closed his eyes. Why was he not moving?

"GERARD!!!" we screamed.

"Oh god, Frank call an ambulance" Mikey screamed.

"He is still breathing right?" I looked at Aimme. Our faces stained with tears. I put my head close to his. Everything was silent....