The Story Of The MCR Buddies


My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying.

Adalia and Crystal were sat next to me, both asleep and slouched up against my shoulders.
I had just woken up but now I was holding on to Gee's hand, listening to the Beep Beep of his heart monitor.

Yet another tear escaped my eyes. I never knew you could cry this much.

Gerard had been in a coma for a week.

The guys were beside themselves with worry, everyone was. All 7 of us sat there in silence beside Gerard's bedside. None of us knew what was wrong with him or why he was like this. The doctors were refusing to tell us anything because we weren't his immediate family.

Ray, Frank, Bob argued like hell that they had every right to know, they had spent every day for the last 5 years standing beside him. In the end, it was Mikey who made them shut up, talking to them quietly, they all nodded and let it pass.

Mikey however, did know, but had been yelled at that he must not pass on the information.

None of us had the heart to weasel it out of him, he was in enough pain as it was. He could hardly bare to look at his beloved brother lying there in a hospital bed, knowing that it was the last place he wanted to be. Mikey just seemed to lose all of his bounce and laughter. He wouldn't say anything, wouldn't do anything other than sit at Gerard's bedside. We had all tried to get him to sleep, or to eat but he refused. He even stopped drinking so much coffee.
We were all astounded, MIKEY WAY, GONE OFF COFFEE? NEVER?!. But it seemed that grief made you do strange things.

It was the 8th day of this torture when I finally decided to get up and get everyone a cup of coffee. I was back within minutes and set the coffee down on the table so that people could grab one if they wanted.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, we all turned round.
It was Gerard's Parents. His mum gasped and ran to touch her ill son, his dad looked at us and muttered thank you too all of us. Nodding, we all left the room, well all of us apart from Mikey that was, so we could give them some privacy.

'D'you think he'll be okay?' I asked Adalia anxiously.

She gave me a worried look.

'Yeah, you know Gerard, he can pull through everything and anything.' Crystal quickly butted in.

'Yeah of course he'll be okay.' I said, shrugging off any thoughts that said otherwise.

Just then, the door opened. It was Mikey, and for the first time in days, he spoke.

'I'm allowed to tell you now, Mum and Dad said you had a right to know....'

We listened intently to what Mikey was saying. Afterwards we all went a deathly pale colour.
I squeezed Adalia and Crystals hands tight in order to stop myself from fainting. I looked up, Ray, Frank and Bob had all sat down, motionless. Shock and horror crept over their faces, their eyes not focusing on anything around them. We sat their in silence, digesting the news. No one spoke until Frank uttered 'No.'

We had just been informed that Gerard was dying and had less than a week to live.

Our Hero, Gerard Arthur Way, was on his deathbed.