The Story Of The MCR Buddies



Have you ever felt like a week lasts a lifetime? I bet you have. It hurts. I hurt. Everyone I saw hated that week. With the tears shed we could have filled the oceans on this worlds, this cruel world. How and why has it turned out like this? One minuite Gerard was looking at us from the sky, but he came crashing down to earth along with hope.

As the days passed every fading glimmer of hope was becoming invisible but everyone found comfort in holding his hand and felling some sort of life in Gerards body. I thought maybe a film might cheer me up. It didn't, not even Corpse Bride my favorite! Admittidly it wasn't really an appropriate choice for the moment.

Life is so fragile, yet we find strength even in the darkest of hours.
But in this pitch back hour, it seems I have nowhere left to look.

One Week Later...

He had one week to live...
Everyone stood alongside Gerards hospital bed with held breath. I tried to bottle up my emotions but it was too hard. Tears were rolling down my face uncontrollably like a fountain. I gasped and Frank noticed I was crying. Oh I tried so hard not to. I got caught in his unescapable hug and cried into his soft, loving arms.

All of a sudden Gerard flinched.............. He was gasping for breath............. His heart racing

"Come on Gerard"

We reached for his hand.

"Don't die son!"

His grip slipped and all we could hear was the comtinuous beep of the heart monitor.


Gerard gasped and sat upright.
He was alive!!!!!
We all sunk into his warm embrace never wanting to leave.
The pain and fear had gone..... Gerard was a patient no longer.