The Story Of The MCR Buddies


There is no words in the dictionary, of any kind, to describe the relief we felt as Gerard began breathing again.

The past week, it felt that slowly, we were all dying ourselves, part of us lost forever.
But as soon as the life crept back into his face, we were whole again.

After that, somewhat mirical of a day, we were all ordered home, for two weeks, whilst Gerard stayed in hospital to recover and get his strength back. After all, he was gonna need it, juding by the power of a MCR live show.

Crystal had been collected earlier by her parents, and begrudingly she had gone, promising to MCR that shed see them again soon. My Dad came and got Me and Adalia. We didnt want to go if we were absolutely honest, but Gerard after hugging us numerous times insisted that both us, and the guys left, to take a short break.

Frank cornered us before we walked out the door.
'Heyy, thanks, y'know for before. You guys are amazing.'

'Its nothing, we admire you guys too much, we'd be heartbroken if anything happened to any one of you.' Adalia nodded firmly in return to my statement, she was close to crying, I could tell.

'I don't think many other people would have stuck by us five guys, you have hardly know us for that long, yet you stuck by us when we were all hurting, I know that both me and the guys included would do that, so thanks.' He smiled and gave us one last hug.

I turned and saw that Dad was at the doorway, waiting with his car parked outside.
'C'mon, lets go honey.' I noded silently, grabbed Adalias hand and started walking.

'Wait' Franks voice called after us.
We turned, waiting for his reply.
'Er, do you er.' He looked at the floor sheepishly, then began again.
'When Gee's recovered, you're coming on tour with us, okay?'
'But..' I cut in. Looking at my dad, whose face what expressionless.

'No buts, its finally, we've all agreeded, we're gonna take you guys on tour, you're talented
and there no reason why the world shouldn't hear you guys play.'

'WHAT?!' I gasped in atonishment. I looked from Frank to Adalia and then to my Dad. His face was lit up, he was beaming. He nodded slightly.

'Its true.' Dad said. 'We've agreed to let you guys go on tour with MCR, afterall playing their songs constantly 24/7 suggests you like them!'

I looked down blushing. I heard Frank laugh. Adalia looked at me, and we both screamed, ran up to Frank and hugged him.
'So..' He said whispering into our ears..'You'd better go home and start practising!'

'Thanks dad.' I grinned.
'Lets go.' Adalia said, all trace of sadness gone. Her eyes shining bright with happiness.
This was gonna be some ride.