The Story Of The MCR Buddies


Phew. That was one hell of a gig, not only were we in the crowd, we got shoved, kicked, punched and thrown about too! All in the good name of MCR, no one meant to hurt each other, hell, people were even crying with happiness at seeing My Chem live. Me, Adalia and Crystal came out of the venue and staggered towards the tour bus, covered in sweat and bruises but; utterly happy.
‘Well, what did you think?’ I asked a smiling, red faced Adalia. Out of all the guys in the band, I had seen MCR live twice before, so knew what to expect, the others, however didn’t have a clue.
‘It was amazing, no wonder you love the gigs so much, those guys are like angels on stage.’ She grinned at me, whilst Crystal nodded furiously in agreement.
‘Awh, isn’t that nice… Hey GEE, she called us Angels.’ Frank leapt on top of us, almost crushing us. ‘Glad ya think so, you weren’t too bad yourself, considering you’re new to all of this.’ He winked at us.
Behind us, Gerard came running, in the same gleeful state as Frank and high fived us all.
‘Well, I’ve been called many names like that before, but I have to say, coming from you guys, it means a lot.’ Adalia blushed, Crystal pretended she hadn’t heard. I punched him lightly on the arm.
‘C’mon Gee, I’d love to listen to you all night, as you know, but don’t you have a few adoring fans (like us) to go and greet?’
Smiling his charming grin he said ‘ Yeah, I sure do.. care to come with me? I’m sure they’d be a few fans of yours out there, you went down a storm with that crowd you know?’
‘Really? We’re not that great.’ I replied.
‘Obviously you’re wrong, look over there.’ He chuckled and pointed to the fence a few metres in front of us.
‘Oh My God.’ Crystal stopped in her tracks, like all three of us with her mouth hanging wide open. Behind us, Ray, Bob and Mikey joined us.
‘Whoa, looks like someone’s going to be busy tonight.’ Bob chortled.
Standing there, pressed up against the fence, amongst the throb of MCR fans screaming with delight at the sight of us, were a row of fans dressed in homemade and bought distorted youth t-shirts and merchandise.
‘Hey… Aimee… over here.. Can I have a photo?’ A tall, skinny girl yelled a camera poised, ready and waiting.
‘How the hell do they know my name?’ I whispered to Adalia, who was stood beside me, equally in shock.
‘I have no idea.’ She replied.
‘Go get ‘em’ Frank whispered in my ear,giving me a gentle shove in the direction of the fence.