The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Songs of the fallen


I read the words written on her paper. God she has really neat writing! It said...

I see you in my minds eye

My thoughts are lifted

Everything will be ok

I’m sure

I walk down the street

The street I’ve walked a thousand times before

Yet I feel as if no two ends meet

My heart is cracked and sore

My word Aimee can write a song. Why on earth didn't she come clean about this before? I looked through her note pad and realised that she had written a load of songs. Aimee started playing out what sounded like a song. I was so excited.

I changed my bass line so it would fit to her guitar part and then, almost as if we knew, we started to play together. It sounded great!

Aimee and I talked about melodies and we soon had one for one of her songs. She sung the main melody and I sung the harmony. We played it all together and it was, well AMAZING!

I looked through the note book again and we made 2 other songs. The songs were called My One And Lonley, Two Ends Never To Meet and Darkest Sunshine. It felt so right!! Now if only we had a band name?

We spent 5 hours in my basement and Aimees mum had come to take her home.

"We have to meet soon!" said Aimee

"Yeah and you better have written at least 10 more songs"

With that and hugs we said good bye. Geeze next weekend we have to rock out again!