The Story Of The MCR Buddies

The Band Of Two


A few weeks later.

Time was passing so fast. Everything that had seemed so awful at school suddenly didn’t seem to be so bad. I spent every hour after school either in Adalia’s basement or in my tiny room playing my guitar and writing songs. We had now quite a collection, 10 songs. Obviously we need a drummer but I was postponing that thought until we felt ready. I laughed everyday now, the thought of Adalia and our ‘band’ never failed to bring a smile to my face. I found that Adalia was like the sister I never had and we were always together.

[One Sunday in Adalias basement]

‘We need a Band Name’ I suddenly blurted out in mid chorus of the newest of our songs, ‘My one and lonly.’

‘True, we do’ Adalia, stopped strumming and simultaneously shoved a packet of skittles in her mouth as she said it.

Smiling I said ‘Any Ideas?’

‘hmm’ she twiddled with the knobs on the amp sending strange sounds scattering around the room, ‘How about, Distorted Youth?’

My mouth dropped open, ‘Wow, yeah totally, its awesome’

I ran to the wall and grabbed a pen and wrote Distorted Youth next to the ever growing pictures of MCR and Us two in big letters.


Its was awesome 10 songs and a band name! No drummer but it didn't matter. When we played we were in the moment - never wanting it to end. Everything felt so right.

Seriously every day we were inspired for a song and every day (pretty much) we came up with somthing new until our 10 songs were done.

Nothing could destroy us - nothing!!!