The Story Of The MCR Buddies

Where Did She Go


Its was Saturday and I was waiting in the basement for Aimee. We had perfected the songs and all we wanted to do was practise them again and again. I walked out side my house. She was late - for the first time ever!

Then I saw her walking down, hood up, she was crying and shaking. I ran towards Aimee and pulled back her hood.

"Ai... What the hell happened to your face?" I yelled.

Aimee had a black eye and dried blood etched into her skin. Nothing couldv'e prepared me for that.

"Its nothing. Just.. It was... An accident. Yeah that all."

"It clearly isn't!! Who the hell did this to you? Tell me!!"

Okay that was a bit harsh but I wanted to kill whoever did this to her. I hugged her and we went to my basement. My poor lost friend. We needed to talk.

"Please... tell me who did this. I need to know"

After that there was a long silence. Aimee grabbed a bit of paper and scribbled down a name with her shaking hand. I held it up to the dim light.

"Lucia? Oh no. No not her!"

Lucia had caused misery in her life before, like someone had done in mine. Before this it was only mentally hurting but this time it had gone too far.

"Listen," I said as gently as I could, "You need to sort this out. You need to tell someone"

"I can't It'll make it worse!"

"No I can help you make it better! Trust me, please!"

"Lucia threatened that she would do worse next time, You don't know what she can do Ad. Shes dangerous!"

"Okay. I'll make it as discrete as possible."

"Really! Ad be careful"

"I wont let you down. I promise"

"I know"

She smiled and we played a few songs. Not as well as normal but it was still good.

I will help my Aimee. I will no matter what it takes.