‹ Prequel: Life After You



Jack was in his apartment with the boy he loved so much and cared about Zack Merrick, after Alex died a year ago Jack and Zack had fell in love they shared their first kiss at Alex funeral and even though Jack felt guilty he knew Alex would want him to be happy and move on but never forget him.

Jack walked towards the kitchen headed to the fridge and got a can of soda out for him and Zack. Just as he shut the fridge door Jack thought he heard something but shrugged it off. ‘I miss you jack’ a voice whispered in his ear; Jack just ignored it and carried on walking back to the sofa and sat next to Zack cuddling up into the other boys chest. ‘I love you Jack’ as soon as Jack heard the voice again he cocked his head and looked at Zack; Zack gave Jack a weird look ‘did you say anything?’ Jack asked.

‘No why?’ Zack replied Jack furrowed his eyebrows giving Zack a look as to say are you fucking with me. ‘Jack it’s me Alex it’s not Zack’ the voice said as soon as Jack heard the name Alex he jumped up from Zack’s grasp ‘dude are you ok?’ Zack asked; Jack stood there mouth wide open in shock of what he just heard. ‘Tell me this isn’t true’ Jack mumbled as he walked towards his and Zack’s bedroom.

Jack wasn’t sure if he was losing his mind or if he was really hearing these voices he knows he had missed Alex a lot and that he wished he could go back to that night and let him be the one who stood in front of Alex and took the bullet; but it just happened all too fast. ‘Don’t freak out Jack’ the voice said Jack turned round trying to figure out why he was hearing Alex’s voice.

‘t-t-this can’t be your dead’ Jack said as he felt tears roll down his face ‘I’ve been watching over you babe’ the voice said ‘Alex how is this even possible?’ Jack said sitting down on his bed and leaning his back agents the wall. ‘anything is possible babe’ Alex replied as soon as Alex said that Jack touched his check he could feel something cold he put his hand on his check as tears fell even more

‘Don’t cry baby’ Alex replied ‘I miss you’ Jack replied as the tears fell even harder down Jack’s face he lied down on his bed ‘Jack listen I need you to do something’ Jack closed his eyes as he listened to Alex’s voice speaking to him, ‘I need you to be front man for All Time Low those fans need you all’ Alex replied Jack felt the cold feeling on his check again as he chewed on his bottom lip ‘I can’t take your place Lexi I can never fill that’ Jack replied as he put his hand on his check again.

Yes you can babe I know you will be amazing’ Jack heard the door open and saw Zack coming in ‘who you talking to babe?’ Zack asked sitting on the bed next to Jack, ‘you won’t believe me if I told you’ Jack replied as he pulled the hoodie he was closer to him. ‘try me’ Zack replied Jack bit on his bottom lip ‘it’s ok Jack you tell Zack’ Alex replied ‘I-I-I was talking to Alex’ Jack replied looking at Zack in his eyes; ‘babe how is that even possible?’ Zack said putting his arm around Jack’s shoulder. ‘Anything is possible’ Jack said as he pressed his lips on too Zack’s. ‘Jack I need to do this for me be front man tell the guys I’ll be there’ Alex’s voice as Jack stopped kissing Zack

After a while the voices had gone Jack knew that he had to carry out what Alex had asked him and with that he told the guys what happened and that Alex needed him to do this for their fans for everyone for Jack. Rian and Zack both agreed and the band carried on but with Alex in sprit.