Status: Active: Check in whenever you can.

Not Quite Twilight.

Chapter Two

"And so, Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden, and lost all opportunity of having the ability to live forever. This brings us to the fact that..." Kaylee was snoring during her fourth hour lecture. By the time she woke up, there was a puddle of drool on her desk. She hadn't slept all night. Every dream began with her waking up in a cold sweat, and screaming at the top of her lungs. Whether she was dreaming of Mason, the good guy with a dark secret she can't quite discover, or Alick, the mysterious, hard to read one; it's difficult to determine whether he's good . . . or bad. Kaylee doesn't know what causes her late-night fiascoes. Her dreams are never bad, or at least that's what she thinks. She sometimes wonders, "Are my real dreams being covered up with false ones? Is someone showing me what I want to see?" Then she sits up from dusk to dawn brainstorming the possibilities.

Kaylee had just wiped the drool off of her desk when a strange boy in a gray hoodie walked past her desk, leaving behind a neatly folded sheet of notebook paper. Kaylee didn't see a face, but she wouldn't have recognized it anyways. She rose from her seat, gathered her things, placed the note in her back pocket, and strolled towards where ever the strange boy moped off to. She searched through the halls for him, missing her fifth period class, and lunch. Oddly enough, the boy seemed to be . . . nonexistent. Giving up, she dragged her worn out feet just a tad bit more, till she made it to her secret place. It's hidden from the rest of the school, and Kaylee's pretty sure it was accidentally put there. She dropped her things noisily onto the cold cement, and dragged herself down the smooth brick wall until she plopped down next to her stuff. She took out the note, and with trembling fingers, unfolded it slowly. She read the note carefully, making sure to absorb every word into her thick skull.

It read:

Dear Kaylee,

I have been keeping my eye on you, and I've come to the conclusion that you know a little too much. I've been sent by Poseidon to guard you. It has been brought to my attention that you are somewhat aware of your circumstances. Whenever I find the chance, I will explain everything to you completely. I'm sure when my messenger handed you this note, you were very suspicious. Do not panic because of his strange appearance, and ability to "disappear." It is common for a messenger to come off as evil, so the person/thing receiving the message would be compelled to see what is in the note, rather than toss it into a nearby wastebasket. A messenger of Zeus will arrive shortly to bring you to my humble abode. Thank you for taking your time to read this letter. After all, it is for your own safety.
With Affection,

Kaylee dropped the note into her criss-crossed legs, with her jaw open wide. "I'm meeting the son of Poseidon?" She muttered. "Precisely," a winged, glowing human figure replied. Kaylee shot up into a standing position, with the note in her hand. She looked at it, puzzled. "Messenger of Zeus," she mumbled, "Wait a sec, you're . . . you're Hermes!" Kaylee pointed at him with a look of accomplishment plastered onto her face. The winged figure gracefully spun around, showing off all it's good sides. "That I am," He said. Kaylee smiled, "Wow." Hermes laughed at the look on her face. "You'll be seeing many other things just like me, and even better," He said. Hearing this Kaylee exclaimed, "Awesome!"
♠ ♠ ♠
*Short Chapter*
Was cut off because of a family emergency.
Will make it longer shortly.