Status: Active: Check in whenever you can.

Not Quite Twilight.

Chapter Three

Hermes snapped his fingers once, and they were all of a sudden in a vortex of glitter. Kaylee inhaled some of the powdery substance and sneezed. She wiped her nose off, and turned towards the godly figure. "Where.. Are we?" asked Kaylee. Hermes smiled, and gestured his muscular, but lean arm to the spinning sparkles around them, and replied, "This, my child, is the Transportation Vortex. But that's just the short name." He winked and Kaylee cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Don't worry about it," He said as he tapped her on the head. Kaylee nodded in an unsure manner. She realized she was floating in midair and her eyes lit up. "This is so cool! How am I doing this?" She asked excitedly. "Well, thanks to Proteus, you've been blessed with certain powers. This one was included due to the mere fact that we'd have to use this Transportation Vortex," answered Hermes.

Kaylee couldn't believe her ears. She has powers now? This is even crazier than the fact that she was chased by bloodthirsty Vampires the other day. She skipped on air, and sang a little tune to herself. Although Hermes found this amusingly entertaining, he knew they had to get going. He said, "Alright, so the way this thing works is, well, you just close your eyes and keep your location in mind. It'll read your mind and suck you in from here, spit you out there. Fair Warning: It might cause you to get a headache and some nausea. You'll just have to get used to the side effects." Kaylee slowed to a stop. "Side effects? That's no fun.. I was starting to think this was gonna be a good thing," she replied. Hermes rolled his eyes. Kaylee couldn't help but notice the color: Silver. Figures.. She thought.

"You really are such a pessimist," Hermes commented. Kaylee laughed, "As if." She glanced at her feet, and noticed they had little marks just below each of her big toes. She was wearing flats, so it was fairly noticeable. "What's those?" asked Kaylee. When she looked closer, she realized they were little seals. Hermes sighed. "You noticed sooner than I thought," he began, "That is the symbol of Proteus, your Guardian. It shows that he is your protector, and all forms of evil must.. how would I put this? Back off.." Kaylee giggled, "Seals? The sign of a GOD?" He nodded slowly. He thought every Human Being knew of the symbol. "He herds the seals in Poseidon's oceans. That's his job. I personally think seals are very adorable," Hermes answered. Kaylee looked at the little marks. Shrugging, she said, "They do make a really nice tattoo." Hermes nodded. "Yes, so may we go now?"

"Yes, please!" Kaylee exclaimed. Hermes grabbed her hand, and said, "Now think about where we're going." Kaylee nodded and closed her eyes. She opened them after a second. "Wait a sec, where are we going?" She asked. Hermes chuckled, "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. We're going to Egypt." Kaylee's eyes widened. "Egypt?" She asked. "Yes. He is Proteus of Egypt. Specifically the sandy island of Pharos situated off the coast of the Nile Delta. Proteus of America sounded ridiculous, so he was relocated," replied Hermes. Kaylee kind-of-laughed, "Okay, then." To Proteus: Pharo, Egypt. She thought as she closed her eyes. All of a sudden, she felt like she was being sucked into a vacuum. The pressure slammed her cheeks into her teeth, causing her to accidentally bite them. She tasted blood, and opened her eyes. Hermes was next to her, being pulled through gracefully. Kaylee felt ridiculous next to him, and she was pretty she looked even more ridiculous than she felt.

Out of nowhere, they heard a ding and were popped out of the Transportation Vortex onto a white fur carpet. It was almost as if she was in a sparkly toaster, her being the bread. She looked down at the stainless, pure white carpet. She realized she must be staining it with her dumb mortal shoes. "Ohmygoodness!" exclaimed Kaylee as she floated off of it. While in air, she looked down and saw that part of the carpet go from dark grey to pure white once again. "What the-" she began, but Hermes cut her off. "Self cleaning.. You should have expected that from a God." Kaylee sighed, "Ugh, I have to get used to this." Hermes nodded quickly, "Yes, and fast." Kaylee rolled her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling, and realized it was several miles above her head. Holy Proteus... thought Kaylee, as she slowly lowered herself to the carpet once again. Her head was still tilted up towards the ceiling with painted angels dancing across it. "How tall is this dude?" She asked. Hermes laughed.

"Well, I suspect he's very tall." said Hermes. Kaylee shot a confused expression at him. "You suspect?" she questioned. "Well, I've never actually met him," Hermes answered. Kaylee's jaw dropped, "Why not?!?" Hermes shrugged, and wore what-does-it-matter look that Kaylee recognized as a gesture teenage boys often make. "I've never had reason to," Hermes responded. Again, Kaylee rolled her eyes. This time, she crossed her arms too, "So when is Proteus the great gonna decide to appear?" Behind her, an extremely deep, but attractive voice bellowed, 'He's decided to appear at this very moment actually." Kaylee's entire body stiffened. Hermes smiled at whoever was behind her, "It's a pleasure, sir," he greeted. Kaylee was lifted off the ground by a giant hand. She shrieked as she fell to her bottom. In a matter of seconds she was staring into deep blue eyes, bluer than any ocean. It's pupils looked identical to the marks just below her big toes. She was deep in awe. "Don't be scared, child," said the gigantic merman.

Kaylee nodded, eyes wide. 'It is I, Proteus!" exclaimed the God. Hermes floated up beside Kaylee. "Give her a moment to recollect, Master." he said. Kaylee stumbled up to a standing position. As she stood up, she couldn't help but notice how soft the hand was. "H- Hello Proteus," stuttered the very dizzy Kaylee as she curtsied, 'Please excuse me if i faint." At that very moment she fell out of his hand, and rocketed towards the carpet beneath her. Hermes quickly flew after her. "KAYLEE!" he exclaimed as Proteus gasped.
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Yey, third chapter. xD
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