Changes in New York

Two years, Fourty-Eight weeks Ago.

INTRO: Two years, forty-eight weeks ago:

Leonardo stood atop a high undamaged building. This was an anomaly, since the view was a fire-filled city. The fighting would never be over, this battle had only ended one war. It would take ages for all this destruction to get cleared up, even longer for the police to get back in shape. If they ever got back to the way they used to be.

As he stared, the pain came at him all at once.

Fighting. The Foot ninja and Karai’s other help (Hun, the Purple Dragons, and Bishop’s militia) were loosing. Demon Shredder’s minions slowed everything down. Karai was connected to the Demon, but she couldn’t slow him down yet. Lights flashed as power systems blew up. Screams from civilians, them running for their lives, it was almost to much for Leo to take, but for his brothers and Splinter he held on. He always would hold on for them. Him and his family, held their weapons out, ready. Kicks, punches, the slices and raw sound of flesh being hit by metal. Then, Karai connected to the Demon in a green flash of light and smoke.

He shot light at her, Chamberlin shooting at him in retaliation. Leo jumped in- between Karai and the light, holding his blades up to block the attack. Not all of it dissipated. A slice decorated Leo’s shoulder, blood pulsing…

Raphael lightly touched Leo’s bandaged shoulder. He flinched, but covered up his pain.

“What is it Raph?” Leo said, his voice tight from grief and hurt.

“You shouldn’ be out here Bro,” Raph sighed, “We all need ta’ rest, and now that this is all over, we can. Let’s check up on the others, alright?”

Leo sighed but nodded. They walked to a ladder, climbing down into a street level ally. Slipping down to a manhole, they dropped down and traveled the tunnel. When they stopped, it was in front of a octagon door that seemed to give off it’s own teal swirling light.

Raph pressed a series of numbers, and the door split sideways. As they walked in, they were embraced by friends and family.

“Where have you been Leonardo,” Karai said, sitting on one of the cots in the Lair’s temporary hospital. Chamberlin was bandaged next to her.

“Out enjoying the view,” Leo said, but his halfhearted attempt at humor fell flat.

“I have something to say to you,” she said, and Leo came close to her.

“What is it Karai?”

“The Foot have been battling you for the last two years,” She looked like she wasn’t sure how to phrase what she wanted to say, “But if it would be possible old friend…”


“Could we work together from now on-we’ve been on the same side for some time- and-”

Leo held up his green, three fingered hand.

“That is something I’ve been hoping for Karai,” He said, “Peace between our two families is a good thing.

“But something tells me this won’t be our last battle to be fought together, so we must be ready at any time,” He finished.

“Hey everybody,” Casey said, “Do you pinheads want a picture of all us word-savers or not?”

Sighs, groans, and complaints echoed as all the fighters in the battle (Hun, Bishop, and their workers excluded) lined up in rows. Angel held the camera, and when everyone was ready she snapped the picture. The smiles were frozen in that single flash.

“In a few weeks I shall host a celebratory party,” Karai said, “In the meantime, I shall heal.”

*** In another part of the city…

Outside a nearby Dojo window, it began to rain on the fires that had spread through the city. A news report was blaring a bulletin that had been playing over and over the last few days.

“Power outages and fires are all over New York, from the mayor’s house to the outer reaches of the Bronx and Harlem. Even parts of Central Park are burning,” the distressed and nearly historical anchorwoman said. “National Guardsmen and police are trying to get help to everyone, but authorities are instructing those still with power to stay home. Urgent care centers are still open to whomever needs them, but-”

The TV’s power went off with a click. A girl on the couch (suspiciously close to the remote) smiled in her meditation pose.

“Aw, come on Ally-Chan,” a boy who had been watching the TV said. He was Japanese and had red and blue streaks in his spiked hair, roughly the age of 13.

The girl he had been complaining to didn’t change her pose in any way but opening her right eye.

“Richie-san, the destruction of most of the city by the Demon Shredder doesn’t concern our elders so it should not keep you from meditating,” She said, and closed her eye.

Surprisingly, this girl’s hair was a more dirty brown tone than the rest only for a few inches at the ends, her freckles were persistently dark compared to her pale face, and her eyes were three different colors: purple, forest green, and navy blue. Appearing to be near or the same age as the boy Richie.

“I don’t need to meditate as much as you do,” he said, “I don’t have anger issues that can blow up the building.”

She sighed, “I’m sorry I’m so serious all the time, it’s just that I never got to be a kid. My parents were scared of me, remember?”

“We’ve heard the story a thousand times Magyk,” he said, and when she almost gave in to that little girl inside, he said, “Hey, you didn’t need them. You have Shiba, Tyler, Jaylyn, Ship, Ikea, and most importantly, ME!”

He began tickling her, and she fell off the couch laughing.

Ship, with her platinum hair (two aqua strips on opposite sides of her head) and expressionless face, came over to them. Her little sister with wild orange hair to match her eyes, and a gamer tee. Jaylyn (also called Jaybird or Jay) with her blood red bangs and black hair was playing her DS Lite on a nearby armchair, but when the laugh had sounded her yellow eyes looked up. Surprisingly, they were slits.

“Bi boy,” Ship said, “Don’t let Tyler know you’re kissin’ on his girl.”

Her voice was all monotone, without a hint of emotion. Then she kinda smiled when little Ikea jumped into the tickle-fest.

“Wow, Tyler’s missing this,” Jay said, referring to the heap.

“Hey, who said what about Ally kissing?” Tyler, a tall black boy with a crooked smile and web scars covering his body said, pulling a baby-blue shirt over his impressive six-pack (for a 13 year old).

“Richie is mauling Ally,” Jay mumbled, pointing with a free finger. She had returned to her game.

“I can see that,” he said, then turned to Jay, “I heard that by the way.”

Jay turned red, and since she was darker for a Chinese girl, that was a feat. Everyone sat up when Richie grabbed the remote.

“Victorious!” he said, punching the air, than sat still with a serious look on his face.

“But really though. Our kind could have helped those people that destroyed the Demon Shredder, why didn’t we?”

“Richie-San,” Ally said, gesturing for the whole group to get into the lotus position. “I honestly don’t know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Now, the reason that I've taken this story before even working fully on the other one, is because I simply couldn't take it anymore.
Thanks for putting up with me.