Changes in New York

Things Are Different Now

Current Day: twelve weeks before the 10,000 year of Codex and Three-year anniversary of the Demon Shredder’s destruction.

Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Splinter: Living in the Lair (which has been renovated to have six guest rooms) and watching over the city until it get’s back in shape, but there isn’t much the TMNT can do, so everyone but Raph stay’s home almost every day.

Casey and April O’Neil-Jones: Married with their two-year old son named Andy. Working the antique shop daily, but living in the renovated warehouse that sits on the surface above the guys lair. Andy knows about the turtles, but they don’t scare him. In fact, they’re his favorite Unca’s in the world.

Karai, Chaplin, and Angel: Working with the Foot to take down the Purple Dragons and try to get the city back on it’s feet. Karai’s party, or ‘Celebration of the Demon destruction’, is held every year at the same time the battle began. Her and Chaplin are officially engaged, and have made it a new requirement that everyone under 25 has to have a date to the party. Which sucks for the guys because they’re all only 20 (Angel is19 but she actually has a boyfriend).

Ally, Richie, Ikea, Ship, and Jay: Looking for Tyler since his disappearance during the ’Immortality State’ transformation mishap. The ones blamed were CharmCasters, a group of Codex meets the Dark Side(of the force- get it?). Ally is determined not to let him go and be dead, no matter what it takes…

“Life happens, so just stick it in your juice box and suck it”- Ally Magyk.
“Everyone has a way of seeing things, but you were blessed with seeing everything four different ways. Don’t waste your talents Matter Hacker”- Shiba Inu.
“Why can’t you live without him when I’m right here, in love with you?” “Because I love you both, and I’m just a little girl that doesn’t want to let EITHER of you in.”

"It's not the physical pain that gets to you in the end! It's the wondering over and over what went wrong, what did you do to deserve this! Physical wounds heal, but the memory stays. The longer you stay trapped, the more you care about nothing but it ending and you'll do anything for that!"

Ch 1: Things are Different Now: Turtles lair, Leo’s POV:

I looked around the lair with emptiness filling me. Again. It didn’t help that Raph was out playing vigilante with Karai while the rest of us were stuck at home fighting with Mikey about taking his turn watching the cameras. I pulled out my shell cell, wondering if it would be a good idea to call him. After a second, I shrugged to myself. It didn’t matter so much to me that he’d be pissed for being checked up on, since he would probably blow it off at Purple Dragons on his way home.

I dialed, and waited. After one ring, Raph’s voicemail came on.

“I can’t come to the phone right now, busy kicking ass probably,” the recording was almost funny, I thought, then heard more, “If it’s Leo who’s callin’, it means I’ll be home within an hour or two, so relax Bro, I’ll be fine.”

The message ended. I sighed and set my cell down.

“Didn’t expect an answer, did you?” Don said, leaning back in the computer chair.
I waited until I saw concern on his face before I answered, “No, he always shuts it off. Still… thought a miracle might happen today.”

“If I can convince Mikey single-handedly to watch the screens, you’ll get one,” he said, and I snorted, letting the held-in humor out.

As Donny approached Mikey, I thought about everything. Especially what I’d been hiding from myself. The absence of my drive, that was what I had been hiding, and I didn’t know what my drive was now. Ever since…

No, I wouldn’t think about it anymore, I decided. Just get on with my life and moveon.

“You know why I checked on him, right?” I said when Mikey got away from Don.

“I guess,” he said, “If those new gangs caught up with him… he’d be fine though. He can handle himself.”

“Not when he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into,” I said, “Or when he gets cocky. That’s when he gets into trouble.”

I picked up my katana and began to practice. It was the only way to keep my mind off things nowadays.

“I know Leo, but the Purple Dragons are even afraid of them, there shouldn’t be a run-in.”

Ignoring him, I kept practicing. Extend both arms, cross arms, slice the air, get into the splits with arms splayed, sheathe blades. I closed my eyes and went into the lotus pose to meditate. Soon I could hear the telltale whirr of Mikey’s skateboard wheels.

Ah, he’d ran to his stash and rode away, I thought, Too bad he came back.

“Kawabunga!” Mikey said, skidding to a stop, “A score of ten for the handsome turtle.”
He hadn’t seen Don sneak up on him, I noticed with a internal smirk.

Then, Mikey finally saw him.

“Just because I’m totally rad at skateboarding,” he said, abandoning the board and backing up, “And you have things to do doesn’t mean I have to watch the screens.”

Yeah, I thought, it’s funny to watch, but it’s gotten old.

I saw him jump to the upstairs, and Don followed him. They raced around until Mikey got tired and stopped breathless.

“Gotcha,” Don said, and began to drag him down the stairs to the security screens.

“But I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna,” He complained, to tired for the moment to fight back.

“If someone doesn’t watch the screens for me,” he said, “I won’t be able to get the hologram wristwatches ready in time for the party.”

“It’s in March,” Mikey complained.

“Exactly, I haven’t even got the wiring right yet,” He said, sitting him down in the chair. “And that’s the easiest part. So if we ever want to look human-”

“Yeah, yeah. You need some nerd time,” he slumped down in the chair.

“Great,” Don smiled as he slipped off to his lab, “All I need is a few hours and you’ll be free.”

“Wait,” Mikey sat up, alert, “Do not tell me he said a few hours.”

Ignoring his dropped jaw expression, I said, “Fine, I won’t.”

I walked up the stairs, ignoring his irritating mumbles. I entered my room, barely acknowledging the familiar posters and bare shelves, and placed my katana on their stands. Nothing unfamiliar or to draw the eye, I decided to find something to hold my attention.

On my way outside the room, I realized numbly I needed to take a shower.

“Mikey,” I called, “I’m gonna hit the showers, have fun.”

I heard his groan, but ignored it. Like I ignored everything that wasn’t directed precisely at me. Walking down the hall, I saw Master Splinter leave his room. Heading to the TV wall to watch his soaps most likely.

“Hey Sensei,” I said, and he looked at me.

“Hello Leonardo,” he looked concerned. I fixed my expression as he said, “Do you with to join me?”

“No master,” I said, “But I will after my shower.”

“Alright my son,” he said, sighing before watching the screen.

After I was out of view, I kicked the wall.

Stupid, I thought, Of course Splinter would notice the most. Not that I’ve made it easy, he just reads people well.

Gotta be more subtle, I decided when I reached the bathroom.

Inside, I untied my belt, took of my kneepads, slid off my elbow pads, and lastly removed my mask. A quick glance in the mirror revealed how empty my green eyes were. Not just empty, but hard like emeralds as well.

Stepping in, I felt the crisp coolness of the water. Turning up the heat, I closed my eyes to the steam and let my mind wander. Water poured over my scars, and the muscles that I hadn’t noticed were sore.

I couldn’t move, but the stillness was comforting for the first time in years.

Splinter’s attempt to get me social was a sign. True, my brothers thought that I could handle myself, that this would blow over soon, but it hasn’t changed. Not in almost three years.
It hasn’t been the same at all…

“Everyone, back to the Lair,” I ordered, ignoring the pain that was spreading all over my body. “It’ll be a safe place to rest.”

Without complaint, everyone that hadn’t ran the second the battle was over (Hun, Bishop, and all their employees were long gone) found a safe way inside.

A mini-hospital was set up, and anyone that had minor injuries were bandaged up and set to help the ones that were worse. Usagi was passing out herbs that dulled pain, and Angel (big ugly scratches all over) was handing out bottles of water. Within the hour, most people were asleep, but I sat there with my arms wrapped up. Leaning my head back, I almost fell asleep, but sensed someone close to me.

“How’re you doing dude,” Angel sat next to me. I groaned.

“Alright, I can see you’re tired,” she said, “But you just took out a Demon, shouldn’t you get your injuries-”

She had been reaching toward my bandages, but I grabbed her hand to stop her.

“I don’t want help,” I whispered, and she looked hurt.

“But you need help Leo,” She whispered back.

I was still holding her hand. I blushed, and she did too. Slowly, I let her arm free.

“I’ll go help Raph,” she said, and I felt like I should have let her help me.

But I didn’t have feelings for her other than friendship, so I let that thought slide.
Without any feeling, I didn’t feel anything. The beginning of the numbness that I hadn’t felt since the first time we went to Casey’s farm. This time, I didn’t try to fight it.
“Yo Leo,” Casey said, big smile on his tired face, “This is cool, join the party Dude.”

We were in the hospital, April’s delivery room to be exact. An hour ago, she had finally given birth to Andy O’Neil-Jones. All in our trench coats-and-hats disguise, we were congratulating the happy family. Correction, I’d just come because I didn’t want anyone to know about the emptiness.

“Congrats,” Mikey said, “You just went from bonehead Dude to fun-lovin’ Dad.”

Raph took a swing at him, “Moron.”

The nurse walked in, “Mrs. O’Neil, here’s your son.”

April held the baby with her eyes big. The baby had a patch of black hair like Casey’s, but her eyes. Light green and full of curiosity.

“Hey guys,” she said, “You’re uncles now, congrats.”

I couldn’t think of the perfect mask for this happiness. Truth is, I can’t even share whatever I feel. It’s been nearly a year, but I still feel numb.

Yes, I didn’t know what to do, didn’t have a solution to my problem. I guess I should stop looking.

“Yeah. Thanks April,” I forced a smile, and nobody questioned me. Good.
I sighed when I heard Raph arrive. Wrenching off the faucets, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Drying my head and upper body, I wrapped it around my waist. Walking out, I almost collided with Raph.

“Hey Bro,” I heard him say. “I got an offer for ya afta my shower. Don’t go running away to your room, ‘Kay.”

“Alright,” I said, and went upstairs. Numb.

Tied on my belt, pads, and my mask. Leaving the towel to dry on the rack full of other dirty clothes.

Yeah, I thought, going topside hasn’t helped you either, eh. Just hurts to see all the happy people, couples and such. Sometimes I can’t even stand to see Case and April holding hands for crying out loud.

“Leo, I told ya ta stick around downstairs,” Raph said, leaning against the doorframe.

“Sorry,” I said, “Lost in thought.”

“Yeah,” he said, looking at me. “Bro, I gotta ask ya something.”


“You met Rex, Angel’s boyfriend?”

This question actually surprised me, “Yes, why?”

“He’s cheatin’ on her,” he said.

“I know she’s a good friend of yours, but what are you asking me?”

“Should I tell her, or bust his head?”

I half laughed, “Why does it matter to you so much Bro?”

I saw his face and vaguely regretted asking. He was really mad at him, and I’d just made him mad at me too.

“Sorry man,” I said, “ You should just tell Karai, she’ll handle it.”

“Thanks,” he said, cooling off. “I’ll just call her, since I got tomorrow off and made plans.”

“With who?” I said, slightly interested.

“A friend I made a long time ago,” he paused, “Tyler.”

“Tyler? The kid you met when Master Splinter went missing?”

“Yeah. Promised him some ninja lessons,” he said, slightly smiling.

That kid was the only kid Raph actually liked, I thought, then said, “Have fun.”

“Hey, you seen the news lately.”

“Not really.”

“That gang war is really tearing up the city,” he looked up, “Blew up some stores, death toll twelve this week. Think we should intervene Splinter Junior?”

I sighed, “Yeah. Let’s tell them.”

While we walked down, I thought.

This might just be the drive I’ve been looking for, I guarded my hopeful expression. Just gotta stay strong for them. Last time I wasn’t…

I flexed my shoulder, and peeked at the crack on my shell. Yeah. Stay strong.


“Bro’s, it’s time to get TMNT back into action,” I said. My brothers were all on the couch.

“Yes,” Mikey said, “We can go back to beating down the bad guys, turning in Purple Dragons for Karai-”

“Not that.”

They all looked at me. Don put down one of the hologram-bracelets he’d been messing with.

“Leo, we can’t just go out and fight anyone,” he said. “Who do you expect us to fight?”

Mikey looked at me, “Yeah Bro, who?”

I sighed and turned Fox on the wall TV.

“More coverage from last night’s robbery attempt,” a anchor said, “The new gang war between Codex Clan and CharmCasters has been disastrous and destructive.”

“Yes Hank,” the blonde anchor across from him said, “Last night, a local Apple store was blown up during a robbery attempt. The CharmCasters robbery attempt. Bomb squads say that there was no source, but that the explosive had to be highly unstable. Does that mean that these groups are connected to terrorist activities?”

“No one knows Candy, but the two dead out of fifteen injured were CharmCasters,” Hank said, “Maybe this is just another vigilante group trying to prove itself to the Nightwatcher.”

I noticed Raph’s eyes twitched when the anchor said Nightwatcher, the name in ‘our’ movie he’d used, but I let my curiosity drain with the anchorwoman’s next words.

“So if this is the Codex’s violence pattern, when do you think they’ll get caught?”

“When the police can track them down,” he said, and the broadcast ended.

“This isn’t a normal gang war,” I said, “I think we should step in. It’s been nearly eight months.”
“Did you just crack today Bro?” Mikey said, looking at me with wide eyes.

Maybe, I thought sarcastically, “No, Raph thinks it’s a good idea too.”

“Leo’s right,” Raph said, “These guys have done more damage than the Shredder we fought when we were just startin’ out.”

“But Raph,” Mikey looked nervous, “If the police can’t do anything, how do you think we can- Oh right. The Shredder.”

Raph hit him on the head, “Shell for brains.”

“So how are we doing this Leo,” Don said, and I must have looked surprised, because they all looked at me with expectation.

“Come on Splinter Junior,” Raph said, clapping my shoulder. “As much as I hate to admit it, you are the leader.”

I was stunned, but got over it.

“The way we found out about the Foot,” I said, trying to get my old leadership role back in place, “Following them and spying. The easy part.”

“Then?” Don seemed to be trying to encourage me.

I sighed, “Confront them. Find out what we can.”

“After that,” Raph looked eager.

I half smiled for a second, “We ‘bash some heads’, as Raph puts it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, this is only half of chapter one, but it's so long on this i decided to split it. R&R plz