Changes in New York

The Crew In A Day

Abandoned Barn outside the city: Ally’s POV:

Jay was near the ceiling of the barn, her red armor-like wings fully extended, both revolvers pointed at the ground. And boy did she look pissed.

“Again,” I ordered, implying to her that training wasn’t over yet.

“But if I flap these things too much, the whole place will come down on top of us,” she said.

Excuses, excuses, I thought, shaking my head, “I can keep it under control, even though it’d be a good idea for me to practice…”

I got into what looked like a boxing pose: legs and arms almost flat, like my body was sliding through a narrow space (Picture Earth bending poses Toph does in Avatar: The Last Airbender). I tightened my fists as well, binding me to the ground below the barn, keeping it steady.

“Just let me shoot at you and I’ll be fine, complainer,” Richie said, an began to fire his own gun at her.

She growled and they began to fight. I felt the foundation shake, and held it steady.

Those two get along like oil and water, but they’re great friends, I thought. When Ship teleported above Jay on the rafters, Ikea came to Jay’s rescue and started to insanely fire her mini-cannon. I felt like falling down laughing, but kept my composure.

Unfortunately, the concentration wasn’t enough. My mind was free to wander, and it was never good for that.

The reason, I thought, was that if I let myself think, I’d think about… him.

Too late to stop them, the memory flooded my mind…

Eight months ago….

Me and Tyler were sitting in my dorm room. It had been exactly one week since his birthday, and tomorrow we would all get immortality status and go on a mission to save his brother from the CharmCasters that took him away. Luke.

I’d seen the picture a thousand times, but every time Ship tried to locate him, nothing came up.

‘That’s the problem with them,’ she’d said, ‘Their life force wavelength changes, so it’s almost impossible to track them.’

Currently she was meditating, sitting on her bed and trying to pick up some lead on Luke.

“Got anything Roomie?” I asked, and she opened one eye. The eye that kept an eye on me and Tyler. Please.

In monotone, she said, “Sorry lovebirds, nothing. If he doesn’t get back to his room, though,
I’ll have to turn you in for breaking the rules.”

Tyler laughed, slightly glowing around the eyes, his inner light (his power) shining through.

“We aren’t like that,” I said, “And you owe me. Remember me covering for you when you’d sneak out to spend time with Riley.”

She actually blushed.

“Yeah Ship, you’d never tell,” he said, and then looked serious, “We’ve got to prepare ourselves, and even though I’m even scared, we’ve got to be brave.”

Ship looked down, “Yeah, Ikea’s been scared ever since your party. We gotta be brave for her.”

I knew she meant Ikea. The youngest one, thirteen and two months. Also, Ship’s little sister. Her youngest sister, to be exact.

“I’ve got a good idea for that,” Tyler looked exited.


“I’ll just go first,” he said, shrugging, “It’ll make Ikea less scared, she looks up to me.”

“Okay…” I said, “Even though you are my right hand, they might let tradition slip once.”

He looked at me, and the warmth of those soft brown eyes glowed. I’d recognize them anywhere.

“I think I’d better get to bed,” He said, getting up off the floor. “Don’t want to be tired tomorrow.”

He waved at Ship and kissed my forehead.

“Goodnight,” He whispered, and walked out, glowing all around his profile. Closing the door, I watched him smile.

My face was warm and my stomach was twisting in knots. Pale pink lips slightly open.

“You are going to have to admit you two have something together,” Ship said, turning out the light while I crept back into my bed. I blushed.

“Even though you were only nine when you started making me cover for you,” I said, yawning, “You and Riley had something too. Never really met him, but its true.”

She threw a pillow at me.

“You didn’t deny it,” I muttered, “Victory.”

I realized that I was letting the building start to shake. God, gotta keep my emotions to myself. Slowly Jay landed, and Ship touched ground.

“You okay Ally?” Ikea looked at me with concern. Wow, how could those childlike features suddenly look so adult?

“I’m honestly okay,” I said, mock-punching her. “We gotta prove that we aren’t trying to prove anything to the

She half-smiled, but I couldn’t lie to her forever. Richie, I could tell, was giving me that look, but he knew I would tell him later. After the next look I saw him give me, I decided to get ready for it.

“Bedtime,” I said, and everyone groaned.

It was almost five in the morning, but we’d been healing and working the pain away from our mishap at the Apple store. I knew they were all tired, but they didn’t want to go to sleep. God, I feel like a mother.

“Look, if we want to go scouting in 48 hours, we need rest and preparations done,” I got into full leadership-mode.

Nobody disagreed with me, but they grumbled anyway. Richie stayed behind like I knew he would.

I threw my arms in the air, “I know, I know.”

“What was it this time?” He asked, and I sighed.

Of course he knew what happened when I got lost in thought, especially after five months.

“The last night he was with us,” I said, and he held me up while the tears slipped out.

“Hey,” He said, rubbing my hair, “Shh, it’s alright…”

No it’s not, I thought miserably, “I know Richie.”

“Think about something.”


“Hmm,” He held me up still, but shifted my weight to one arm to scratch his head, “How about when I first learned you were a girl.”

I blushed, but smiled, “That was your first X-rated experience with your super power. You never did tell me which part you saw though.”

He sort of swallowed, “You’re going to have to figure that out on your own.”

“Fine,” I said, getting out of his arms, “Be that way.”

“Goodnight Ally Magyk,” He said, and climbed to his bunk.

Releasing the building from my power, I climbed up to my bunk. I’d made it have a window so I could see the stars, but it was cloudy. Not like it was sprinkling cloudy, but the way the sky feels when something foreboding is going to happen in a movie.

The last time you saw a movie like that, two mutant freak brothers were about to fight each other nearly to death, I thought, but let it pass.


The Next Night:

I was sitting in my new dorm, alone. The girl Shiba had promised would be here wasn’t yet. Sighing, I rolled over on my bed and looked at her side of the room.

Family photos, awards, and a piece of paper that looked old were above the shelf above her bed. I held my Stitch tight while I sat up, considering the consequences. Curiosity got the better of me, and I slid off the bed. Creeping across the room, I climbed on her bed to get a better look.

The first was a group shot of a big family. There were two almost thirty-looking adults in the back, the mom (on the right) holding a little baby with bright orange hair. The next row had a teenage girl with a boy on either side of her, and I could tell the boys were twins. There was a small toddler in each of the boy’s arms, the one on the left with almost candy-pink hair, while the one on the right had snow white hair, like silk.

A small inscription was at the bottom. I was only seven, but these words were easy: ‘The gang’s all here, left to right: Me and Sally with little Emma, Trent holding Sapphire, Jacqui, then Alex holding Madison.’

“That’s me,” A calm voice said from behind me.

I yelped and spun around, trying to calm myself down so I didn’t blow her up. She was on the window sill, sliding the window shut. Almost like she’s been doing this for awhile, even though she was only nine. Her hair was turning from brown to platinum and a pair of glasses in her other hand. A small necklace was around her neck. It was glowing.

“Calm down,” She sighed, “They told me about you, so you can relax. I’ve mastered teleportation, so I’m safe from you.”

“What?” This was confusing. Teleportation, like moving from one place to another?

“This is a school for freaks like us,” She said, and smiled at my expression, “Yeah, you’re one of the many kids without family that already has powers. All alone without us.”

“So that’s your family?” I sounded like a mouse. I cleared my throat,” I mean, you’re the little girl with the blonde hair?”

“Yeah,” She said, sighing, “And if you ever call me Madison in public, you’ll wish you hadn’t. Call me Ship.”

“Why is the picture so old?”

Another sigh, “That was the last time we were all together.”

“Okay,” I was suddenly curious again, but about something different, “Where were you?”

“That’s a story that can wait for another night Roomie,” She said, and put her arm around my shoulder. “Let’s give you the grand tour.”

We walked out, and I wondered if I could make friends here despite my power (as Ship put it).
I woke up feeling confused. Sure, I remembered experiencing the dream, but I didn’t like this particular memory. Since then, I’d changed from that scared little emotional kid to a girl that could control herself, most of the time anyway. Rolling over, I saw the clock. 6:45 PM.

Great, nearly party time.

“Goooood Mooorning!” I called, and a collection of groans greeted me.

Surprisingly, when I got to the ’game room’, Ikea was furiously trying to beat her head kill record on Modern Warfare Two, X-Box live.

“Take that Gamemaster,” She said, punching the air.

I shook my head. The last few months since the game had come out, she’d been in mortal combat (in the sense, anyway) with this Gamemaster and his friend the Headsmasher. The names made me want to snort, but Ikea’s made me want to bust up. Beatur(a)Lady4 was simply priceless, especially considering her track record. She always beat everyone’s records. I was surprised Nintendo wasn’t trying to track her down to be a game tester.

“Time to get in gear,” I said.

She looked at me with slightly bloodshot eyes. Oh goody. She’s tired.

“Why didn’t you sleep today?”

“Umm, I did,” she said, rocking back on her heels. “Then I woke up and couldn’t get back too sleep.”

“Why not?”

“The sun made a guest appearance earlier, but it’s gone now.”

I sighed, “Do you want the energy pills?”

“If you think I need them,” She said, and saved her game. I sighed and went to the Codex Mission Supplies cabinet.

When I came back with our worn Survival kit, the game was off, and she was dosing.

“Come on,” I heard Ship say, and she moved her sister from the couch to standing in front of me. Before she fell, I caught her.

“Who dat?” She mumbled, and looked up. “Huh?”

“Wake up and take your vitamins sleepy head,” I said, and she slitted her eyes at me while she took the pill.

“Now,” I said, and Richie groaned as he entered the room, “Who’s turn is it to wake the sleeping giant?”

“I did yesterday,” He said, pulling out a bag of pretzels and chomping up his ‘dinner-breakfast’.

“I did it the night before Apple,” Ikea said, lounging while the pills took affect.

Surprisingly, Ship didn’t groan. Instead, she snapped her fingers and walked out. In an instant, Jay was on her butt on the couch. Perfect.

“What tha?” She didn’t look happy.

It was just like Ship, I thought, to put a problem of hers in other people’s way.

“Shit,” She said, rubbing her violet-outlined eyes.

“I think you mean ‘Ship’,” Richie said, and she groaned.

“Well, now that we’re all awake,” I said, “Who wants scrambled eggs?”

Everyone raised their hand, but Ikea was persistent.

“ME! Oh pick me to help you,” Ikea said, jumping. I sighed.

“Sure,” I said, and she bounded after me.

I didn’t like cooking, but I was good at it, making the most difficult meals tastier than the restaurants made it. And I mean like, six-star quality.

After making a mess of our mixing bowls and measuring cups, I heard someone at the doorway. I ignored her and stirred the eggs absentmindedly as I watched the sunset.

“Are the eats ready yet?” Said Jay. Even if she was the last to wake, she was the first to recover.

“Almost,” I said, flinging some at her. It missed, and hit the wall. “And you are cleaning that up.”
“Fine,” she said, and took out our stash of cleaning equipment.
We had used the checks that our Codex elders to get us basic supplies, but let’s just say we had a few thousand dollars left over. I didn’t think we needed anything fancy, but for the mental health and sanity of everyone, I let Ikea have her videogames.

“Ready to stop a raid on Hot Topic?” I said, and Ship closed her eyes.

“Brooklyn, about a mile from the city limits,” She said, using her locate to find the most likely position to land.

“Take us two blocks west of the location,” I said, in full operation mode.

Ship closed her eyes, holding out her hands and flexing her fingers, “Go,” she murmured, and I felt myself disappear.

When my feet hit the ground, I held back the gag reflex. Sure I was used to the sensation, but I didn’t have to like it. I heard Richie groan and almost puke.

“I know, I don’t like it either,” Jay said, looking green herself, “But Ally says it’s the best way, so I gotta deal. You better too, bi wimp.”

He looked a little offended at the jibe, but got over it when he pulled his ninja mask on.

Everyone took that as a sign to get ready too. Within minutes, everyone was in ninja gear. I had his symbol on my choker necklace, and if anyone reacted, I would pounce.

“They don’t feel normal,” Ship hissed, “They’re really strong, so we gotta be careful.”

Everyone nodded. Sometimes we met equals, and those were the harder fights, when innocents got hurt. Shuddering on the inside at every time I had messed up and seen it on the news, reminding me of when I couldn’t save him.

“Alright,” I said, nothing slipping through my guard, “Get in. Get out. Capture and question. Got it?”

They all answered with silence. Good.

Creeping slowly, I tapped the ground with my foot, and only I continued. There were no cops, and the camera’s looked like they had already been skillfully knocked out.

“They’re at greater power levels than most of the raiders,” Jay said, looking mad. Her guns slipped from her holsters into her hands.

“Easy,” Richie said, touching her shoulder. She flinched, and he blushed when she rounded on him.

“I’m in freaking heat you-”

“Jaylyn,” I hissed, “You can fight with him later, just please give me peace for once-”

“Guys,” Ship’s eyes were wider than they’d ever been, an actual emotion (for the first time in four years) in her voice. Fear.

“Sissy, what is it?” Ikea looked terrified. Ship fixed her expression, and voice.

“We’re being watched,” A little uncertainty in her voice, I noted, “And I’m not sure if it’s human or animal.”

We were all silent.

“Let’s take care of it after the plan, okay,” I said, and they all, cautiously, went back to what they were doing.

I saw the terrified faces of the Goth cashiers before I saw them.

Tall, icy pale and covered in inky black markings of the CharmCasters (Think the Unknown
from Pokemon). Demand was in the voice of the crew’s leader.

“All the metal-covered clothes you have boys,” he said, making my stomach twist.

The leader had complete authority over his crew, and that meant his power was dangerous.

The cashiers handed over everything, and the demon-looking shape shifter smiled his fanged grin. Their Shade (think colorful dementor) kept its eyes everywhere, and a little one looked into every dark corner of the room. This was going to be a fight.

“Let’s go,” I said, and Ship disappeared.

I saw her appear behind the Searcher girl and hit her in the head. Hard. I signaled before the leader had a chance to react. The Searcher was out, but stirring.

“Gotcha,” Ikea said, punching the shape shifter in the gut.

His form changed slightly, mixing his ‘human’ and ‘shifted’ forms. Obviously, his expression screamed it hurt, but he twisted to attack back.

Rich took one look at the Shade, and disbelief turned to rage.

“Traitor,” He yelled, running at her, spinning his barbed whip in a circle, heading to attack.

The cashiers took one look at our weapons and ran. Ship mumbled and closed her eyes, the cashiers disappearing.

“Two blocks,” Ship muttered audibly to me before the Searcher jumped up.

“You’re making a mistake,” the Shade said, backing away, into a wall.

“No way in hell I’m the one who’s made a mistake,” He said, venom in his voice.

The Shade looked quite scared, and Richie’s whip got within inches of her chest. To bad she dodged and turned to mist, he made arcs around him to possibly catch her when she materialized.

Jay let her wings loose and shot for the ceiling, shooting down at the enemy from her advantage point. I saw a small grenade-like thing fall from the leader’s grasp, and lights flashed when the device activated.

A green slime poured from the thing, and it rose with artificial gravity. Think one of Ben Ten’s aliens three times more annoying and you get:
Oh great, I thought, a Goop.

It laughed in a high-pitched voice and shot toward Jay.

“Look out-” Richie called to her, and she glared at the blob, taking a shot at its gravity-creator. She missed.

“Shit,” She said, shaking the gun, “Piece of crap.”

And now she runs out of ammo? I thought, shaking my head.

In frustration, she chucked the gun at it, and the gravity-machine shattered.

“Great shot,” I said, and jumped.

Why you ask? A spark (From an enemy flint) turned into a Fire Girl, a person with such good fire-control skills, they used any form of it to transport themselves. Most of the time, they were pyromaniacs as well. Loads of fun. When they’re on your side, anyway.

She giggled, “Did I miss the party Death Star?”

The leader smiled at her,” It hasn’ even started yet babe.”

“Can I torch the place,” She begged, “So much worthless trash to burn.”

Ikea jumped over her and put her in a full nelson. The girl breathed fire in retaliation, swearing in some dead language.

“I should clean your mouth out with soap Bitch,” Ikea said, since she’d understood her perfectly.

“Flare!” The leader, for one second, looked almost human before he regained composure and glowed black around his silhouette.

The leader, Death Star, glared right into Ikea’s eyes. Before I could realize what he’d done,
Ikea fainted and fell off of her opponent like a sack of potatoes. Flame shrugged and kicked her in the face.

“No!” Ship’s cry strangled the air, but she had to fight the Searcher.

I, all at once, got more pissed than I had been in a long time. I began to glow, my life force turning into a whip.

“Kiss this bitches,” I said through a voice that wasn’t mine. It was a voice of power and authority, and when I saw the ball of light in Death Star’s hand, I attacked.

There are certain meanings to our ninja names, and now I saw the meaning of Death’s: He was a Life-force stealer. Ikea’s entire self was in his hand, and he didn’t have a right to hold it.

Death put her back, but I continued foreword. I wrapped them all in the whip, securing them to the walls. Richie kept watch for the Shade while Ship got Ikea to her feet. Jay hit ground, and all guns were zeroed over someone’s arm or leg.

“Now,” I said, voice returned to normal, pulling my necklace into view, ”Do any of you recognize this?”

My eyes zeroed on the leader, slitting. He’d looked away from Tyler’s symbol, and that meant he knew something.

“Dark Star, right?” He ignored me.

Typical, I thought, Trying to be brave.

“Look, I’ll pardon your worthless honor if you tell me what you know about this,” I got close to his face, holding it so he couldn’t turn away, “It’s really important.”

The blood-red eyes turned slightly brown, and he swallowed his humanity away, “We haven’ heard about him since his disappearance, eight months ago.”

“Liar,” I said, temper flaring, “You’re kind captured him that long ago.”

“He was a… friend,” he said, “All I heard was that he disappeared off the face of the Earth during the transformation process. I’d been on my way to greet him when the explosion happened.”

I was quiet while I took this in. Flare was steaming inside her bonds while Ikea poured water on her, the only temporary revenge she could get.

If what this piece of crap is saying is true, I thought, Then… No, this guy has to be lying.

“What does Dark Star mean to you Mater Hacker?” He said, pulling back to his normal self.

“You don’t deserve to know,” I said, and I put my hand up.

Ship walked up to the Shape-Shifter and whacked him on the head so hard, he blurred to his human form before passing out. I swirled my hands and the Goop was safely inside his container again. Richie took out a notebook and scratched something on a piece of paper while Jay knocked out the Searcher.

Oww, I thought while the little girl slumped in her bindings of chains. Yeah, I had changed some of the Goth jewelry (and accessories) into steel chains. No big.

“She never deserved this,” Ship said, pity on her face, “Jail will help. And intense psychotic therapy.”

I laughed and turned to Death Star, “Goodnight.”

I formed iron around my fist and knocked him out, just as the first cop siren blared nearby.

“That’s our cue to go,” Richie said, and stuck his paper on Death Star’s chest.

Reading it, I snorted.

Dear New York’s finest,
We’ve bagged you some severe juveniles. If you could, give the Codex Magyk some credit. We didn’t blow anything up this time. We’re doing our job, so you’re welcome.
Good luck,
Magyk Codex Crew

“Take us home Ship,” I said, “We’ve learned a lot.”

Before she sent us off, she slid next to me, “They never left.”

“The things that were watching us?” Strange, I hadn’t noticed anything.

“They’re watching us now,” she said, but twisted her wrists. “Go time.”

I felt myself disappear again, and fell on the living room floor, scraping my left shoulder. God!

“Ship,” Jay groaned, “Improve our landings please. I’m still bruised from last time.”

“I just have a lot of things on my mind,” She said, “Jay, can we spar?”

Surprise flitted across her face, but said, “Sure. Let’s get some Bo sticks.”

“I almost got soul-sucked,” Ikea whimpered, “ I need a nap. Gamemaster can get a head start today, I’m bushed.”

She dragged herself up to her bunk, leaving me and Richie alone.

Sagging onto the couch, I said, “Why did the Shade make you madder than you were?”

Instead of answering, Richie slid next to me and started to lightly massage my neck. I sighed and leaned into his lap in response. It may have looked weird to people who didn’t know what was going on, but it was almost normal for our group.

See, Richie’s X-ray vision can read personal pressure points and nerves on people, making him a great masseur and acupuncturist. For me, since I’m scared to death of needles, he just pokes with a relaxing touch. I was brought back to earth when he spoke.

“She was a Agent in disguise,” He said, pressing a little too hard on my shoulder.

“Oww,” I said, and grabbed my hairbrush, “French braid until the anger goes out Purse.”

Yeah, since he’s bi he’s a girl’s second most prized position. Nicknamed: the Purse.

Since I used his more disliked nickname, the twisting was more painful for awhile. I loosened the nerve connections in my hair, relieving some of the pressure. Soon, he relaxed a bit.

“ Sorry,” He said, “We’re all just as stressed as you are, you let it turn into these painful knots on your back instead of showing it.”

I looked down, ashamed, “I know I worry you guys, but I need to be the strong one. The one that will get us Tyler back.”

“Even if what that Death Star said was-”

“He. Is. Not. Dead,” I said, sitting up and pulled away.

I stood and walked out of the room, tired and angry. By the time I reached my room, collapsing on my bed, I was only upset. Pulling out Tyler’s picture from my bra, a tear escaped my eye.

“Where are you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it might be confusing, but can't someone read it? Please?

(AN: Yeah, the TMNT movie exists in my realm. It’s explained in a later chapter)
Mikey: Why do we have a movie where Karai wants to kill Leo again?
Me: I don’t know. Ask the director-
Mikey: No way! I’m a turtle dude-ette.
Me: (Shrinks back) Just asking Dude, relax!