Changes in New York

The Guys Get to Work

Almost a week later, a few blocks from April’s Store: Leo’s POV.

“I’m telling you, that’s what they look like,” A platinum girl with hardly more than hooker-wear said. She was implying the paper she held, with something drawn on it.

“Transport,” The other girl said, (And the only reason we defined this one was a girl was her voice and long brunette braid) looking exasperated under her mask.

“White Eyes, If you don’t believe me, I’ll go tie them up for you right now. But they do look like them, don’t they?”

The brunette sighed, “Yes, which is why it’s so impossible-”

“Remember what you can do?” Transport pointed out, “Nothing is impossible.”

“I’m in charge,” White Eyes said, “Until these strange ninja are a threat to the mission, they are not our concern. Let’s go back.”

She closed her eyes while the other girl twisted her wrists, making them disappear into thin air.

“They’re gone Don,” I said into my shell cell. A chirp answered.

“Alright, just get the turtle cam and come home,” Don yawned, “Let’s call it a night.”

I hung up and jabbed Raph in the right place to wake him up instantly.

“Time to leave hothead,” I said, and he grumbled about magic, the Nightwatcher, and hating stakeouts.

Almost to the nearest manhole, he turned to me.

“Why are we doin’ this Leo,” He asked, and I heard the real question; why are you.

Huh. Didn’t have a good answer for that one.

“They are making a mess of everything we’ve worked for destroying that Demon,” I answered, ignoring his look.

“Well, yeah,” He said, pulling on the lip of the cover, “But Karai could help us, and we’re doin’ this alone.”

I looked at him, “Why are you asking Raph, it was your suggestion.”

He started to go into the sewer, “I’m worried about ya bro. We all have been for awhile. This isn’t gonna make ya problems go away-”

“I’m fine Raph,” I said roughly, following him inside the tunnel.

A raised eyebrow expression was the first thing I saw on my younger brother’s face.

“Really Fearless?” He said, and left me.

As he walked away, I knew he was right, but ignored him. Sure, this hadn’t helped me yet, but in time…

Just keep strong, I thought, following him home.


“From the CharmCasters that we’ve questioned,” Don looked at his map of the city, “They’ve been planning a big robbery of a large mall here in about a week.”

The spot he pointed at was a really popular place for locals to go, even April’s store had a branch there (Run by ex-Foot employees).

“With the assumption that our Magyk Codex will be there, we can shut down both groups and figure this whole mess out,” Don looked at me, “What’s the plan for when we get inside?”

I’d already thought this one out during meditation, “Go in human disguise and wait in April’s store. When the Charmers get in, we sound the alarm and take as many as we can down. That’s when the hard stuff happens.”

“I like hard jobs,” Raph looked like he wanted to gut the creepy kids right now. After what I’d seen them do, he’d probably shoot a few shuriken at them too.

“Good,” I half smiled, “Because after what we’ve seen the Magyk do, we know it’ll be hard.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea Leo,” Mikey was nervous, he’d been on stakeouts with me, “I mean, they use… um… Magic.”

“Bro, you killed monsters and freaks all the time,” Raph said, then muttered, “Won the Battle Nexus Championship twice technically, I wouldn’ normally add.”

That brightened him up, “Okay. Just, can I get a higher score than Beatur(a)Lady’s record first?”

Raph growled while Don laughed.

“Sure, but the power for the TV wall goes out at ten,” Don reminded him.

Almost immediately, he jumped up and raced to the TV.

“Bring it on,” He said, pulling his gamer gear on.

I shook my head.

“Do you think he’ll ever grow up?”

I turned to Don, “Maybe. When he’s on his deathbed.”

“No,” Don said, “Watch, he’ll be playing Modern Warfare 20 until he dies.”

We both started to laugh. Sure, mine was strained, but it felt real compared to recently.

“Alright,” I said, “I need to get some sleep. Night Bro’s.”

“Night Leo,” I heard from Mikey, but it wasn’t as distracted as it should have been.

They were all looking at me, I thought, then realized, Boy, I haven’t really talked to them in years.

With that thought, I went to my room.

As I shut the door, my pads and belt were untied and dropped to the floor. I picked them up and put them in my bottom dresser drawer, placing my katana on their shelf. Only my mask stayed on as I entered my secret meditation room.

Closing the door, I selected lavender incense. A table of candles were unlit, and I took out a lighter. Slowly and deliberately, I lit the candles and the stick of incense. Almost instantly, I dropped it in a jar of oil and let it burn as I settled down into a comfortable lotus position.
The smoke surrounded me, and I began to breathe.

In. out. In. out. In…out… in…… out……in………

Within seconds, I was drifting….

I saw a grassy hillside, near the Ancient One’s home. Master Yoshi was talking with a young woman, but when he saw me, he said something to her and she left.

“Leonardo, my grandson,” He said, greeting me. I wasn’t surprised I had entered the spirit world, but why..?

“Master Yoshi, why am I in your presence?” I asked, “I am deeply honored, but…”

“I have been keeping an eye on you and your brothers,” He said, “And, though you act differently, you have all been troubled by the same thing since our last meeting.”

He knows, I realized. He knows what’s wrong with me. And my brothers too apparently.

“You are not going to heal through battles you search for Leonardo, "He said, “Have you not already been taught this by my father?”

“Yes,” I sighed, “But I have been so empty Master, what else is there for me and my brothers to gain?”

He smiled like I knew the answer, which didn’t make me feel better. The woman returned, carrying a sword. The sword of Tengu.

“There is a last reward, a fight that every hero fights before he is finished with battling,” He said, drawing the sword, “Soon it will be you and your brother’s turn to take on this foe, and I will be watching. Remember: The last thing to be overcome won’t be obvious for you all-even Raphael delayed this fight- but it will be there. You will be healed Leonardo, don’t shy away from it.”

Before I could even try to figure out what he meant, the hillside disappeared. My eyes shot open, and I felt myself tilt at the oddest angle. With a crack, I felt a splitting pain on the left side of my scull.

“Oww,” I groaned, clutching the sore spot. Slowly, I pulled myself up and put out the candles.
Leaving the space, I didn’t hear the usual sounds of Mikey’s game.

Huh, I thought, Must have been out awhile.

Hoping Don was still awake, I went to his lab instead of his room, ignoring the killer headache. Thank God the light was on in there.

“Don?” I groaned when a wave of pain crashed, “Can I get a little help here?”

Silence but a few (quiet) shattering bass notes.


After a peek inside, I saw the explanation. He was rocking out on his headphones.

Don listens to rock?

I slowly crept up on him and waved a hand in his face, “Earth to Donatello!”

He lurched and shut his music off. A hand to his chest, gasping.

“Don, ninja skills a bit out of practice or what?” I joked, and he blushed.

Yeah, the joke ‘You can never sneak up on a ninja’, not always true.

“Uh no,” He said, rubbing an eye, “Just working on those hologram-watches. Why are you up?”

“Cracked my head during meditation,” I said, avoiding explaining fully.

I didn’t want to tell him about my vision, since I didn’t even understand it.

“Ouch. Need ibuprofen or Advil?” He was up and on his way to our mini-infirmary.

I followed, “Advil, extra strong.”

“Hmm,” He sat me down and examined my head, “Slight concussion. You should be fine in a day or two.”

“Thanks,” I said, and he handed me one of our many Advil containers.

“One every six hours, and take it easier on the training and night shifts,” he said, in full Dr. Don mode.

“Alright Doc,” I said, “Just don’t tell the others okay?”

He just smiled sadly at me, “Of course Bro, why would I spill a brother’s secret?”

“Thanks,” I walked out and headed toward the bathrooms, “Goodnight Don.”

“G’night Leo,” he said, and I hid to make him think I was in the bathroom, “We missed you bro.”

As I slipped off to take the pills, a sadness filled me.

You didn’t fool them for a minute, I thought, shaking my head, Stupid, stupid, stupid.

When I reached the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror. Green skin, blue mask, emerald eyes.

Thinking on the message Yoshi Hamato had given me, I saw a glimmer if life in my eyes.

‘Remember: The last thing to be overcome won’t be obvious for you all-even Raphael delayed this fight- but it will be there. You will be healed Leonardo, don’t shy away from it.’

I didn’t know what this foe was, but after we finished this mission, I was determined to face and defeat it.

But first, I yawned, Sleep.

Honestly tired for the first time in months, I dragged my feet up the stairs and rolled onto my bed, not bothering to take my mask off when my head (good side) hit the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
To all the people that haven't thought twice about not reading this:
This isn't just about Ninja Turtles, it's a carefully thought-out romance/action thing i came up with and nurtured into the story that is taking up a lot of space on my laptop. No, there aren't any werewolves or vampiers or meatal band singers, but its just as good as some of the stories I've found, so don't judge...


(A/N: Poor Leo, he’s so depressed… at least he’s getting better )
Raph: When’s Fearless gonna get out of tha’ hole he put himsel’ in?
Me: Just relax. There’s going to be action soon.
Raph: (Looks exited) Really? Do I bash some heads?
Me: Just wait and see…
Raph: (Glares) Don’t let that become a habit or I’ll make sure you get to the good parts. Fast.