Status: Long One-Shot for contest! >:D

Why'd You Leave?

When Life Gets You Down 1/2

Shrieks of joy rang out from the backyard. I was not surprised I could hear it through the sliding glass door. Smiling, I thought, I love the Fourth of July. I had just gotten done with baking sugar cookies for desert later, after the fireworks that they could watch from the open backyard. Rubbing my hands on my old jeans, like my mother hated when I did, my older cousin, Serena appeared in front of me.
“Hey Lydia, Matthew wants you for something.” She shrugged and disappeared as quickly as she had showed up. Serena didn’t really care about anything anymore except running into a disserted room to talk to her precious boyfriend on the phone. I was 14 and didn’t really believe a boyfriend could make me any happier than I already was with my family. Serena is actually really beautiful, which is what I am envious about. Also that she’s 2 years older than me. At least in the state we’re in, she got her driver’s license and can drive at 16. She has long straight golden blonde hair and is model-thin. She has nice curves that don’t make her look chubby at all. (Like she said they did) I had shoulder-length layered auburn hair, which I was pretty proud of, but I was just average weight and didn’t own a stitch of designer clothes like Serena did. I stuck with tight band tees, leggings, and my jeans.
Matthew was my 10-year-old brother. He didn’t look anything like me, but acted the exact same. He had short black hair and a crazy grin. When I decided to join him outside he ran over to me, gripping my hand and practically dragging me forward. I laughed,
“Dude, what do you want?”
Still grinning, “Lydia! I want you to jump on the trampoline with me!” He pointed to the big trampoline where screams echoed off the nets, as my 4-year-old sister Haley jumped up and bounced down. Her yellow dress and bright white blonde hair flowed with the wind. The adults were talking grasping cups of lemonade I thought about this offer and grinned, showing off my blue and black braces. “Sure!” I placed my Polaroid camera on the picnic table along with my pictures and climbed on top, jumping up and down, making the little ones shriek louder.

Everything was perfect.

My passion was for photography. I had decided long ago that I was going to major in this subject and become famous. Of course, you can’t decide these things. Always by my side was an old Polaroid camera. I couldn’t wait a week for film to develop, because I was too impatient. Life was too short.

“Mommy! I don’t wanna have a brother though!” My mom smiled sweetly at me with spaces between her whitened teeth, “But honey, that’s not a choice.” She cried out in pain as another contraction rolled in. It was about 10 minutes before my little baby brother was to see this world. This beautiful world, which I have only seen the Oklahoma part of. I crossed my arms tightly over my non-existent chest, “Fine! But, you can only have the baby on one condition. Let me name him!” She laughed and sucked in again. 9 minutes…a hand squeezed my shoulder from behind. My dad, the other factor to the equation that made up my best friend, my little brother, was standing behind me with a big smile on his face.
“Honey, you follow Aunt Bitsy out to the waiting room.” Then speaking to my mother whose bright green eyes were sparkling with tears of joy and pain. “It’s time.” 7 minutes. I could barely kiss her cheek over the bulging belly that encased him. Taking my aunt’s wrinkled hand, I looked over my shoulder as she pulled me out.
I sat like a good girl with my arms crossed in my lap on the uncomfortable chair in the room. I wrinkled my sensitive nose a few times, because the disinfectants smell of the hospital. Finally after what seemed like an hour, but was only twenty minutes, a doctor clad in starch white walked out the door, which swung shut quickly and loudly. I looked up at him with my big eyes and long eyelashes and grinned, “Is my brother out yet?” He raised his eyebrows and paused for dramatic effect.
“Matthew Logan Phillips, five pounds, four point five ounces. Alive and healthy.” Then he smiled hugely and I was so excited that I just ran forward and wrapped my arms around his legs and squeezing, giggling crazily. I gripped my aunt’s wrist and practically dragged her through the swinging doors to just get to Room 311, as if, if I saw my brother or not was a life or death situation.

Growing up with Matthew, he was always my best friend. Many people at school didn’t ever interact with me, other than my good friend Lillie, Matthew was by my side almost 24-7. I didn’t mind. He was nice and always complimented me on pretty much everything. He wasn’t annoying…usually. Matthew always had a good word about everything. I felt a little hand grab my long fingers and it brought me back to reality.

I saw my baby sister looking up at me with her tiny teeth shining.
“Sissy! Jump with me and Matty!” I giggled and pushed her back up the rim of the trampoline. She squealed bouncing on her little bottom and back up. I did the same and Matthew joined us in this activity. At fourteen, you may think this was childish. But…the thing was. I was plenty mature. I just loved my siblings too much to stop playing with them. Life was too short to never play again.

After about 20 minutes of bouncing, I looked at both of them and said excitingly, “Let’s eat dinner now!” They screamed back replies only hungry children would. I smirked and swung off the trampoline.

I went through lines of casseroles, salads, and sandwiches. I filled my paper plate with a egg salad sandwich and peered at a casserole that looked yummy. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Matthew rocking on his heels. “Lydia, what’s that noodle stuff?” I smiled,
“It’s some casserole that Auntie made. Want some?” He nodded brightly and held out his plate. I scooped a good amount onto his plate and walked away to eat with my dad who was laughing with my uncle. I talked with them about the next get-together we, as friends and family would have. Sometimes it made me mad that our family was the only ones who were energetic enough to cater for and throw parties. My attention was thrown back into reality when a scream, not of joy, was expressed through the backyard. I whipped my head around to see my mom kneeling on the ground in front of a small shape. I ran over to see my baby brother, my Matthew, lying in the soft grass holding his throat. His cheeks were a dark red, almost purple. I screamed along with my mom and tears filled my eyes. This had only happened once, and we knew what it was from. Matthew was allergic to peanuts. The other time, we had an Epee pin with us. My mom had noticed yesterday that the only one we had, had been missing. She was due to go and get another pack…that afternoon…after the party. No one could make a sound as we watched him struggle for breath on the ground. I choked on tears that were running down my paled cheeks. I walked over slowly and kissed him on the cheek.

He looked up at me, stared right in my eyes, and took his last breath. Life. Was. Too. Short.
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