Status: Being Written



I woke up to her in my arms, I couldn’t help myself but chuckle. She stirred in my arms and then looked up at me, smiled, and muzzled her head into my chest, as I kissed the top of her head taking in her strawberry-like scent.
"Morning." She whispered as she began trailing kisses from my chest to my mouth
"Good morning" I mumbled through a kiss.
"I'm gonna go in for a shower, you wanna come?"
"You sure you want me to come?"
"Wouldn't invite you in if I didn’t" she said poking my chest.
I took that as my green light, got out of bed, took her into my arms and jogged out of the room.
"Wait, where's the bathroom again? I never was good at remembering where things are… You should see me when I'm drunk, I'm an absolute mess, I never know where I am, or where what is, I just forget everything and buzz out you know the feeling?." Feeling her stiffen in my arms I walked back into the bedroom and put her on her bed, placed my right arm on my waist and raised an eye brow
"What's wrong?" I asked worried I might've said something wrong
"Ah nothing, lets get going!" she exclaimed jumping off the bed and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Dina, we seriously can't keep doing this. You have to be honest about things with me. I felt you stiffen when I was making that lame joke about me being a forgetful drunk." As I said that her eyes wandered to the other side of the room, then she looked back up at me and smiled.
"Is it me being drunk? Because I mean, … what?"
"Brian, I mean, I know it's pretty damn weird, I do … what we did last night, yet I feel the mention of alcohol unsettles me. But I guess something's stick, and I don't know, I guess I just have to accept it, but I mean, me stiffening is just my own way of reminding myself that there are something I stop myself from doing. I know it's pretty damn stupid, but honestly, it's just who I am. I mean, I really don't mind you drinking, but me stiffening is something I just can't control."
"See, that wasn't so hard to tell me! From now on, ALCOHOL WILL NOT BE MENTIONED. But, you should know, I drink pretty damn heavily. I mean, I drink … A LOT."
"Yeah, I figured, I won't stop you, you can do it in front of me, just don't pressure me into it. That's all. NOW LETS GET GOING."
I took her in my arms, bridal style, and began marching out of the room.
"Ah, right, the bathroom?"
"Put me down, I'll lead you there."
"Bleh, alright."
I put her down, she took my hand and led me to the bathroom, she closed the door and turned the shower on, she kissing me, took off my boxers, and gave me head yet again.

After the romantic intimate shower, I went back to wear what I had worn the day before, and she slipped on matching red bra and panties, and silk green PJ pants with a Guns n' Roses shirt, I admit, I admired her choice in music.

"So, who's your favorite band?" I asked as she was whipping pancake mix.
"Ahh, well it's a tie between Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance, & Disturbed. Stone Sour is pretty sick too. Metallica is pretty awesome too, so are Guns n' Roses, Misfits, All That Remains, Bullet For My Valentine, A Day To Remember, Atreyu … I like many many bands." She giggled.
"Ahh, that's awesome. So, do you know Avenged Sevenfold?" I asked intrigued as to whether she knew who I was, and who all my friends are.
"Well, I heard they're some band headlining the Taste Of Chaos tour with Atreyu, BFMV, BlessTheFall, and Idiot Pilot. Never really heard anything other than A Little Piece of Heaven, pretty nice song, but never got to listening to anything else, why? Are they your favorite band?" she asked looking up at me with a smile.
"You could say that." I smiled in return thinking about how perfect this was. Now I'm sure she isn't in it for the money or fame, or rock-star-ism. Is that even a word? Rock-star-ism? Well, it should be, it's pretty cool. "Rock-star-ism"
"Huh?" I only then realized that I said it aloud.
"Ah, nothing, caught up in my thoughts, anyway!"
I stood up and walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist kissing the nape of her neck as she flipped the pancakes.
"Hey, Brian, I don't exactly have any bacon … Since I don't eat it… So ah, do you mind having pancakes with maple syrup or chocolate sauce, I don't know, look in the fridge, but … I just don't have bacon, sorry…"
"Don't worry about it, I'll eat anything. Don't worry about me!"

I excused myself to her bedroom to check my phone, when I got to it I noticed I had 32 missed calls and 56 messages, I laughed knowing it's all of them calling and texting about the bet. I decided to call Matt back,
"Ah, no, her dad is preparing for surgery, … in Boston. Am I on loud speaker?"
"Yes yes, NOW TELL US WHO WON!" Zacky shouted.
"Well, sorry to tell you, but it's the Little Dipshit."
"Told you guys, I know women. I know them well." Johnny replied
"Is it because you were once one?" Zacky told him.
"Don’t steal lines from Misfits Zacky boy." Matt warned Zacky.
"Hey hey, if the lines fits into the current situation Imma use it. You want me to call the freaking screen writers and ask them for permission?" Zacky mocked
"Actually, I would love for you to do that!" Jimmy mocked back.
"Yeah, watch out world, Z.V. is gonna eat you all up with his faggot bowties." Jimmy teased
"Shut up, I don't go around cutting ties."
"Yah, you wear tight pants, and bowties, and fucking nerd glasses. What you trying to prove? Your gay, but still get girls to fuck you?"
"Shut up you fucking shit."
"SUCK – "
"Yah, I'm gonna leave you guys and get back to Dina, BYE."
"WAAIT YOU SPENT THE NIGHT?" I ignored the question, closed the line, and turned my phone off knowing they'd all call back again.

As I walked back to the kitchen I wondered how I didn't hear the phone ring all those many many times. Maybe she turned it off? Maybe I switched it to silent mode sometime last night? God only knows. As I entered the kitchen I was welcomed by the smell of bacon, and eggs, toast, pancakes and hash browns hit me.
"I thought you didn't have any bacon?" I asked
"Oh, I asked my neighbor for some, he didn't seem to mind. I mean, well, the guy has had a crush on me ever since I moved here, so yeah, I figured he wouldn’t mind, but I promised I'd buy him some later. I should jot that down."
"No no don't, I'll get it when I'm getting that tooth brush" I told her, I don't like the sound of a guy living next to her, and them communicating regularly, I've gotta show myself, and explain that I'm her new boyfriend, wait, am I her boyfriend? Holy shit, should I ask? What if it's far too early, I mean, we haven't had any dates, but, I mean the way I feel, the things we did, how comfortable I feel, the fact that I didn’t wake up and sneak out. I'm actually planning on taking her out today, hell yes. 'I AM HER BOYFRIEND BITCH.' I thought huffing and boosting my chest.
"Aha, come on."
"Hey, am I your boyfriend?"
"Um, well I guess, I mean, I'm not about to go do what I did with you yesterday with any other guy. I don't just do that with anyone. If I think I have a future with someone, then I do it."
"Aha, come on Rambo." She ushered me to the breakfast table, I politely sat her in her chair, and began to feast. Boy, she was hell of a chef.