‹ Prequel: Music Academy
Status: Working on it



“There isn’t much I can do now. You’re nose isn’t messed up to where we would have to break it again for it to heal in the right position. We will just have to prescribe you some pain killers for the pain and you’ll be all set” the doctor said. Justin was sitting beside me on the bed-like things where they examined people.
“Thank you” I said and took the little paper slip that would get me my prescription. We walked out and once we got onto the tour bus I sighed in relief. I hated hospitals. I had been in them too many times to count.
“So you’re okay?” Justin asked. I nodded. I wasn’t in the mood to talk. He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. He ran his pale fingers down my arm and laced them with my own. The action made me feel safe. I had never expected to feel this way around Justin Bieber.
“So we’re going to get your prescription and then go to the concert” Justin smiled. I said silent, unable to think of anything else to say to him. He looked up at me and kissed my cheek. I jumped in surprise.
“Did I scare you?” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the couch. He grabbed hold of me and pulled me down too. I gasped when I landed right on top of him. His eyes met mine. I was shocked at what I felt pressed against my stomach. I thought Justin hadn’t even gone through puberty yet!
“Um…yea” I said awkwardly and got off of him.
“You like it” Bieber challenged. I bit my lip and looked away. I wasn’t exactly sure what I liked right about now.
“You wish” I finally managed to say. He grabbed me by my hand and placed it on the lump in his pants as he pulled me closer. What the hell was wrong with this guy?
“I…need to go to the bathroom” I moved my hand and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I pushed my hair out of my face and sighed. What had I gotten myself into? I sat there for like five minutes until he came knocking on the door.
“Catie, are you okay?” he asked. He sounded normal again so I decided to open the door.
“I’m fine”
“Sorry…my hormones are fucked up” he admitted. I nodded and went to sit down on the couch.
“Do you sing?” he asked randomly.
“You look like you can sing” he shrugged.
“Yea I sing” I said. I knew what was coming next.
“Let me hear you”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sucky Chapter! It's been awhile. Sorry!
Well right now I am going through I hard stage in my life, crying a lot and I am barely getting any sleep so can you please make my day and comment? New chapter on the other story will be up as soon as i write it thanks