Sequel: Second Heartbeat
Status: Thanks for the amazing feedback. Remember to comment =] xoxoxo.

Welcome to the Family


The next day, Danii woke up in Zacky’s room, somewhat confused as to why she was there. Then her fight with Matt came rushing back and she cringed, hiding her face in her sleeping boyfriend’s neck. She heard him groan, so she giggled a little, nuzzling him with her nose.

“Did I wake you?” she murmured, knowing she did and not really caring. He just groaned again in response. “I figured. Anyway, I need to go to work. So you need to get up, since I’m not walking all the way there, and I’m never, ever driving your car again after what happened last time.”

“What happened last time?” he asked sleepily. Danii just ignored him and got up, since she was already running kind of late.

Twenty minutes later, she was sitting behind the front desk of Apocalyptic Atom Tattoos([url=] We got the name here! [/url]) where she was a receptionist. Her boss, Jackson, was an old friend of Matt’s, and so that’s how she wound up working there. Not that she was complaining, she loved the atmosphere.

Danii was trying to see if she could fit Zacky in for an appointment later this afternoon, when she happened to look up and see her older brother walking in the door. She rolled her eyes and looked back down at the appointment book doing her best to ignore the man that just walked in.

“I’m sorry, I should just trust your judgment and give this guy a chance. But I swear to God, if this guy causes the same problems as the last one, I will kick his ass.” Matt said, “I’m just don’t want to see my baby sister get hurt, that’s all. I overreacted, and I really am sorry.” He said, looking down at Danii silently pleading with her to forgive him. Danii sighed.

“I guess, I can see why you were so upset, I did go against everything you said. But, this guy is different, you just need to trust me more. But, I suppose I can accept your apology.” Danii said avoiding eye contact with her brother.

“Thank you.” Matt said going around the front desk to give his sister a hug.

“You’re welcome. Now can you do me a really big favor?” Danii said looking up at her brother.

“What?” He asked looking down at her.

“Can you watch the front desk for me, I really need to pee!” Danii yelled jumping up out of her chair, ready to rush towards the bathroom.

“Sure.” Matt said, sitting down in the chair that was previously occupied by his sister.

“Thank you!” She yelled, sprinting towards the bathroom. Just as she closed the bathroom door, the door of the tattoo shop opened and Zacky walked in looking around for Danii. He walked over to the front desk, expecting to see her there, because he knew that was her job.

“Hey man, what happened to the girl that usually sits up here?” Zacky asked looking at the chair and seeing Matt.

“Oh, she just had to run to the bathroom, so she asked me to watch the desk for her. What’s up, my name’s Matt.”

“Hey man, I’m Zacky.” Zacky said, shaking Matt’s outstretched hand.

“You listen to Guns N’ Roses too?” Matt asked noticing Zacky’s shirt.

“Yeah, man. I can play most of their songs too.” Zacky said smiling.

“What do you play?” Matt asked, music was something that always intrigued him. After all, he was the lead singer in a band. Unfortunately, their rhythm guitarist had just moved, so they were down a player.

“Guitar.” Zacky said simply.

“Zacky? What are you doing here?” Danii asked, walking out of the bathroom and being kind of nervous by the fact that her brother and boyfriend were having a conversation. Although, things seemed to be going pretty well if the smile on both of their faces was anything to go by.”

“I came by to talk to you, I wasn’t doing anything and you said you might be able to squeeze me in an appointment.” Zacky replied.

“Well, I see you met my brother…” Danii said cautiously.

“What?” Both men asked her, looking confused.

“Wait, you guys didn’t know that…” Danii had automatically assumed that they new who the other was, “Crap.” She muttered, “Well, Zacky this is my brother Matt. And, Matt this is my boyfriend…” She said carefully explaining.

“This is your boyfriend?” Matt asked, now taking a better look at the guy standing in front of him. He seemed like a good guy if their previous conversation was anything to go by. “I have an idea.” Matt said.

“What?” Danii said, getting more and more nervous by the second.

“If Zacky comes to our band rehearsal and plays with us, I’ll give you guys a chance. And, won’t kick the crap out of him, unless he hurts you of course.”

“Done.” Zacky and Danii said simultaneously, they looked at each other and smiled when they did so.

“Oh, how cute.” Matt said, making a fake gagging noise as he looked away and went to go to talk to Jackson.